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I opened my eyes slowly, trying to ignore the pain in my right side

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I opened my eyes slowly, trying to ignore the pain in my right side. I grimaced a bit, but quickly, my expression softened when I noticed Michael sleepy face just next to me. For a change, he was the one who fell asleep on me the night prior, which surprised me. I didn't want to go upstairs and sleep alone, so this is why I stayed by his side. I watched the end of the movie by myself with Michael's head rested on my lap, and it was enough for me to be happy. He was exhausted, he didn't even wake up when I came to cuddle next to him.

Since I couldn't lay on my side, I took the habit to lay on my back. Michael was on my right and had his arm wrapped around my waist while his face was buried in the crook of my neck, allowing his warm breath to tickle me slightly. I rubbed his arm tenderly, as I admired his features for another couple of seconds. His lips were slightly parted, his hair was a real mess and his eyeliner was partially gone, but he was still the most beautiful human being I ever saw.

When I realized how creepy watching Michael sleep was, I left my reverie and finally decided to stand up. This was always something painful for me to do, but I managed to stand up from the couch without much noise and pain. I put the covers back on Michael's body, and silently went to the bathroom upstairs.

Since I couldn't get rid of my shoulder sling on my own to shower and get dressed, I needed to wait for Alice to get to the loft. All I could do on my own was brushing my teeth and hair, and this is what I did. I looked at my face in the mirror, and realized that the scratches were almost all gone, which made me smile a bit internally. I pulled my t-shirt up to take a look at my injured side, and grimaced at the black bruises that were still there. It was as painful as it looked, and there was nothing that could be done about it, I just needed to be patient.

When I came back downstairs, Michael was still sound asleep on the couch. Quietly, I went in the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee, making a face at the loud noises from the coffeemaker. As soon as my coffee was ready, I sat around the kitchen island and got lost in my thoughts.

Everything changed around me, drastically. I found out that I had a brother, I told one of my best friend about my ability, I fell in love with Michael Jackson... I would have never believed that any of that would happen to me. The only person who triggered those changes was Michael, and I couldn't thank him enough for that.

Through the months, he became one of the cornerstones of my life. Without him, I felt like my world would crumble. His support, his affection, his ability to make me feel safe... This is what I needed to get through this darkness surrounding me. Day after day, he took a little of my pain away and replaced it by utter joy, laughter and love. It is thanks to him that I overcame this grief and sorrow that was eating me alive. He appeared like a light at the end of a dark tunnel.

As if he heard my trail of thoughts, Michael entered the kitchen while rearranging his hair a bit. He wasn't wearing his CTE shirt anymore, all he had on was his black undershirt, and his tight black jeans. Black was certainly one of the colors I loved most on him.

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