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The corridor I walked through was long, and I just kept on following my feet where they were taking me. At the end of it was a door, a big double one. It looked fancy and welcoming, so I just came in, without questioning my action twice. I walked in, and the hotel suite was beautiful, all made of cream colors and wooden pieces of furniture. It was quiet too. Maybe too quiet. I looked around, and the first person I looked for was Michael, because I knew I had to look for him. I knew it, I knew what was going on deep down, without being able to voice it.

It is when I came in the bedroom that I saw his slender figure seated on the edge of the bed, looking through the big windows that illuminated the whole room. I naturally walked to him, and put a hand on his shoulder from behind. At the touch of his shoulder, I had the reflex to put my hand away as I actually felt his skin against mine. Everything felt so real, while I knew, somehow, that it wasn't.

"Michael?" I whispered, but he didn't budge, like he couldn't hear me.

I frowned, and knelt in front of him. This is when I noticed the tears streaming down his face, as he sat still on the bed, looking straight ahead of him like he couldn't see me either. I put my hands on both his knees even though he couldn't feel me the way I felt him, and held my tears in the best I could. I was confused. I didn't get how I could feel him and he couldn't. Everything was so weird, yet, I had the feeling this moment was important. Like it meant something, like it was trying to tell me something.

And then I got it.

"I'm in a coma," I whispered to myself, as I looked up at Michael who was wiping his eyes.

I frowned at my own words, and tried to understand the meaning behind all of this. I didn't get why sometimes I could feel Michael, and why I couldn't the other time I had this kind of visions. Was my gift evolving again? If so, why would I get a vision of Michael crying?

"I don't know what I'm supposed to be doing here, but—," I sighed, as I wiped his tears away, a lump forming in my throat, "I promise you that everything will be okay. I'll do anything to help you. Anything," I told him sincerely as I rested my forehead on his, even though I knew I was nonexistent for him at that moment. "We'll get through anything as long as we have each other, so I need you to hold on to this idea. I love you. We'll be okay," I promised him, as I took his hand in mine.

As I did so, I felt a little piece of cardboard in his hand. As I parted his fingers slightly, I peeked inside only to see a picture of myself and Faraji that he was holding tightly in his fist. I felt my heart fall in the pit of my stomach at the sight, thinking something happened to the little one, which upset Michael. My hands started to shake uncontrollably as I stood up from the floor and took a step back in shock.

"What the hell is happening," I muttered, tears gathering in my eyes at that point.

"You need to wake up," Michael suddenly said, as he broke into tears again. "Lord please, you need to help us," he begged, looking up at the ceiling.

Out of breath and still shaking, I woke up abruptly, and found myself in my bed, at the loft. I felt a pressure on my legs, only to see Hayden's sleeping face on them. I brought a hand to my sweaty forehead, and tried to catch my breath the best I could. I looked at the clock on my nightstand: it was six in the morning. I let my head fall back on my pillow, and tried to catch my breath the best I could. My head wasn't spinning anymore and it looked like I had all of my abilities. I had no idea for how long I was out of it, but I knew I would find out quickly by waking up my brother. I switched on the lamp on the nightstand, but Hayden didn't move an inch.

"H—Hayden," I called, gently shaking him. "Haze, wake up. I can't move."

Slowly, my brother raised his head to look at me, and as soon as he realized I was awake, his once sleepy face turned into a shocked yet relieved one. He automatically took me in his arms and held me tightly, so much that I could barely breathe.

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