82 - Departure

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Anger and frustration is, if nothing else, better than the gloomy feeling that lingered in my heart till then.

After our Father got mother pregnant she gave birth to Iris. Perhaps trying to amend for his mistakes with Lily, he threw himself into the father role. As expected he failed miserably at first, but things gradually calmed down, and with this it appears father and mother have grown too. They communicate properly, mother nursed Iris on her own instead of a wet nurse and an awkward feeling of family arose.

As you can imagine Iris grew up more light hearted than everyone else in the house... but also grew stubborn once she turned five... and she has yet to cease her rebellious period. Her little crush on Curtis started a couple of years ago when she was first brought along for a tea party where Curtis was invited. She was head over heels with the bright and cheerful Curtis that asked her to practice dancing with him. Though, to think she would do something like this...

I finished writing my answer back to her, which included a sternly written reprimand for not taking the situation seriously and that she is still disowned.

Heading for the door... I stopped for a moment.  If I step out now I'll have to face everything out there properly... that includes Lionel, Magdalin, Asher and... Claire...

I'm not sure I can face Claire right now. Magdalin is observant, but also a person I myself let in. Claire is... about just as pushy... no, in fact a bit more... of course, she's only pushy when it comes to the things I do not want to talk about.

Still... I need to face this. I cannot be afraid or worried about something like this! I'd be a disgrace to my ancestors! No fear!

I take a soft breath and head outside.

It's... quiet. Judging by the light in my room it should be around noon. Everyone are likely at their classes, so I'll head for the fourth year wing.


The weather is... surprisingly dull and grey. It looks like rain is going to start within the hour... but what makes me stop and reconsider my plan of action is the silence.

The knights should be training and we should be hearing their marching songs. Rain wouldn't be an excuse either.

I'm left with a theory that I want to confirm. The Tepet Knights might have gotten their call to arms. This is unlikely, after all the Tepet army should have plenty of soldiers to bolster their borders. They shouldn't need the ones forced to study.

I change course towards the entrance of the academy and find something different than I expected. There were no Tepet Knights to see anywhere, but every other knight student were helping out preparing wagons, horses, tents, armor and weapons. Even food. Judging by the amount of food and horses, I'd say that all of them were leaving.

I spot Eric conversing with a fourth year knight student and head in his direction immediately. No matter how you look at it this is too much of a drastic measure against what we had been expecting. If everyone else but the Tepet Knights were leaving now, then the Tepet Knights probably left around dawn.

I stopped once I reached Eric. They were discussing preparations. The fourth year finally bows gently and walks off hastily.

"What is going on?"

I breach the silence as Eric turns his attention to me.

"There is news from the front lines. The Headal army was seen approaching, and they estimate that almost the entire Headal army has been sent. Lord Tepet sends a request for reinforcements, so the knights here at the academy and I will be heading in that direction."

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