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Chapter 3:
> You sure you don't want a black eye? <
As she lay in bed, she thought, thought about her life in the maze. Although, she only thought about the good parts. She thought about when these people came and took them from W.I.C.K.E.D. Even so, she didn't think they were the good guys. They were bad guys, just like W.I.C.K.E.D. She thought about how her and Aris never got along. She had been in the maze for a year. Then Aris came up.

Now, she'd never really been seen as important in the maze as she was the youngest, but when Aris came, everything changed. She had been treated with respect before, but every time she tried to help, people would say that she was "too young" or "just a little girl". It angered her a lot. And Darcy has a short temper.

She was okay at controlling her anger most of the time, but when something really snapped, she would lash out. She was convinced that that was one of the reasons she made it out of the maze alive. She was still angry the day they escaped and she knew that she was able to fight because she was still angry. That and all the people who would jump in her way so she wouldn't be killed... Her thoughts immediately strayed to Amelia. One of her only friends there. She remembered how she was cornered by a Roller when Amelia jumped in front of it....

Darcy, stop it.

She could feel her eyes start to water.

Come on. Nice things! Puppies! The smell of grass! The little river in the forest! Cartwheels in the grass!

Her eyes were still watering. She hadn't cried since she escaped. The last time she had, she had cried so much that she felt as if no more tears would ever come. Although, thinking about what made her cry almost made more tears spill out. Almost.

She didn't remember falling asleep, but she was woken up by the guards banging on her door as per usual. And she got up, dressed and went out the door.

She went out to the cafeteria for breakfast and sat with Aris. Every time she tried to start a conversation, he ignored her, so she quickly ate her food and went back to her room.


Nothing interesting happened until dinner. Once again, she was in the cafeteria, and Janson had just finished calling out the names of the people who were to be taken to the 'safe haven'.

The boy, Thomas, had gotten up from his seat. He was walking with everyone who had been called when he was stopped by a guard. She could see them talking but couldn't hear what they were saying. Thomas turned around to leave when he quickly turned again, trying to push past the guard. Some other boys, who she assumed were Thomas's friends, came up to join them. Dr Janson even ended up coming out, and everyone was sent back to their rooms after much arguing.

She had stayed in her room for a while, but eventually grew bored and decided to go and see Aris again, even if he didn't want to talk to her.

This time, she knew where she was going. She could actually get to his room pretty quick if she didn't get lost like the previous night. As she was about to turn a corner, she heard a noise in the vents. She froze and remained silent. The sound grew closer. Whatever it was was about to turn the corner. A hand appeared, followed by a head. She was about to be caught-- but no, it was just Aris. He jumped when he saw her.

"Exploring again, are we?" said Darcy.

"Darcy, what are you doing?"

"Well, I was lonely so I was coming to visit you, but clearly you had other plans."

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