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Chapter 28:
>I'm special<
"Gally?" said Minho, eyes wide in shock.

"Minho." He looked up to the window they had just jumped out of. "You guys are nuts."

Thomas helped Darcy to her feet, but she pushed him off, muttering, "I'm fine." If the Flare was going to get her, she wasn't going to act weak before it did.

They continued after Gally, Minho falling behind due to the shock of being faced with an old friend he had thought dead. Darcy couldn't blame him. If Amelia had popped up out of nowhere, she would have been shaken too.

As they made their way back to the others, Darcy noticed that Thomas and Minho each had one of Newt's arms around their shoulders. He was looking a lot worse now, and Darcy was wondering if she looked that bad yet.

She was becoming increasingly tired, but fought off anyone trying to give her assistance. Keep going, she urged. Don't give in.

An explosion came to their right. Massive flames burst up from behind some trees in the distance, a loud bang coming with it. Darcy looked around in surprise- what was going on?

"We're supposed to take down W.I.C.K.E.D, not the entire city," muttered Gally.

"Gally, come on," urged Thomas, turning away from the explosion.


The four of them had to take cover in a dilapidated building as fights and fire began to break out all over the city. Darcy was feeling worse by the second and Newt was looking worse by the second. Not to mention it seemed as though none of them would get back the others to get the cure that only might work. Things weren't going great.

"We're not gonna make it," Thomas spoke desperately into his walkie-talkie, Brenda on the receiving end.

Darcy couldn't hear her reply from where she was, but Thomas replied, "Just take the others. Get everybody out, okay?"

Another beat of silence from Thomas as Brenda replied.



"Even though you should?"

A longer silence. Darcy wanted to know what was going on but didn't have the energy to ask.

"What are you talking about?"

Darcy felt extremely warm. Why was it so hot here? And why was her arm throbbing so much?

When she finally asked, "What's going on?" her voice came out slurred. Whenever she blinked, her eyes would remain closed for a short amount of time longer than usual. It was almost like she was drunk, but she had only had alcohol once in her life after stealing some from the girls in the Square. But this definitely felt worse.

The back of her mind was telling her that it was the Flare, that the fatal virus was finally winning its battle against her brain. But that was only a distant thought, something she wasn't really understanding. It was like an echo in a tunnel, reverberating throughout, but distorted. Indecipherable.

The replies she got, she didn't understand. Her head was lolling from side to side and she was dimly aware that she was doing it. She realised it was uncomfortable, but didn't make an effort to stop.

"Darcy, we gotta go!" Gally shouted from right in front of her.

She slowly lifted her head to meet his gaze. He looked terrified.

He grabbed one of her arms and put it around his shoulder, telling the others that he could take her and they could take Newt.

They made their way through the burning streets full of fights, but Darcy didn't register any of it. The only thing she noticed was the discomfort of being too warm surrounded by all the fire.

She then noticed when he dropped her to the ground. Newt was beside her as both of their backs rested against a wall.

She began moving her head from side to side again. If she was feeling herself, she'd probably make some comment about how she was trying to shake the Flare out of her head, but she wasn't feeling herself, so she kept quiet. Besides, whenever she opened her mouth all that came out was a cough.

She faintly noticed flashing lights and a loud noise overhead. She looked up to see a berg, though couldn't remember the name of it in her present state.

In the back of her mind, she was wondering how the Flare went from showing little to no symptoms for ages, to her having black veins one minute and a disoriented brain the next. Newt's and Brenda's symptoms seemed to have been spread out over an even amount of time, but she had major changes in a short amount of time.

"I'm special," she muttered through coughs as Gally picked her up once again.

Gally either didn't hear her, pretended he didn't hear her, or she just simply couldn't register his response.

Instead of running, they crouched in front of Newt. Darcy concentrated as hard as she could on him, some of her senses coming back to her as she did so.

She let out a loud cough and rubbed her eyes with her free hand.

"Hangin' in there?" Gally asked her.

"Somethin' like that." She put as much effort into it as possible, voice sounding slightly less slurred, but nowhere near back to normal.

"Minho, you gotta run ahead, get the serum. Get back to us as soon as you can. Minho, go. Darcy can go, too. She's light. Take her with you, leave her with Brenda, grab the serum and get back here," said Thomas.

"He's right. I can cover them," said Gally.

Newt grabbed Minho's arm. Through heavy pants, he managed, "Thank you... thank you, Minho."

Hearing Newt's pants made her aware of hers, too. She hadn't even realised she had been breathing so loudly this whole time.

"Hey, just hang on. Ya hear me?" Minho replied.

Darcy gave what she hoped was a smile to Newt before they left. His eyes lifted to hers and she noticed the slight upward quirk of his lips.

Then, Minho and Gally ran back to the others, Darcy propped up by Minho.

*A/N: Gotta love having a short chapter because I left this until the last possible minute to write. I'm writing this on Thursday night and it'll be uploaded Friday morning (in my time, anyway). Anyway, not many chapters left before it's over!*

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