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Chapter 31:
>Thank you<
When she came to, she was lying down, restrained.

"Why don't you just kill me?" Thomas was saying.

"Kill you? No, we don't wanna do that. We're gonna take special care of you," said Janson.

Darcy blinked wearily and tried to take notice of her surroundings. She was lying on a red chair, arms and legs tied down. To her right, Janson was looking over Thomas. Teresa was right next to her, doing something at a table.

Upon seeing Darcy's eyes open, Teresa's widened in alarm. Darcy shook her head, saying no! She mouthed the word 'please' to the older girl beside her.

Teresa bit her lip.

"In time, the Flare virus will burn itself out. The only question is, who will be the ones left standing?" said Janson.

Thomas was fighting hard against his restraints, grunting as he did so.

Once Janson turned towards Teresa, Darcy quickly shut her eyes, acting as if she was still out cold.

"And thanks to you, to this, we finally get to choose."

Darcy squinted through her eyes, making sure that Janson was turned away before opening them again.

One part of her--even though it annoyed her--just wanted him to kill her. Just right then, right there.

One push and it's all over.

One push and no more worries.

One push and no more suffering.

The other part of her--the stubborn part--thought hell no, there is no way that rat is allowed to kill me.

"A future of our own making."

Darcy locked eyes with Teresa.

A dramatic pause.

"To your health--"


Teresa had turned and smashed a glass beaker over Janson's head. He crumbled to the floor. She ran over and quickly untied Darcy's bindings before moving to Thomas.

For a moment, Darcy just sat there. If she could find a gun, she could end it. No more suffering, Janson doesn't get to end it.

It's your fault that Newt is dead. He didn't deserve it. But you do. So many dead bevause of you; Amelia, Marie, Sarah, Sophie, the list goes on and on. They gave their lives for you. And for what?

Her thoughts got interrupted when Janson got back up again and threw Teresa across the desk. The desk right beside Darcy. She flung herself off rapidly, but Teresa's foot still connected with her ear.

Her right ear began to ring, so she couldn't hear much out of it, but that was the least of her worries at that moment.

Teresa shouted, "Sorry!" to Darcy and they both began to crawl away as Janson turned to them.

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