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Chapter 6:
> I prefer 'zombie thingys' <
As the night went on, she everyone else's breathing slow. She heard a few of them snore and a few of them mutter. They all seemed to be asleep except for her.

She just sat there, her back against a wall, staring into the darkness as she thought about everything that had happened that day.

Not that long ago, she had been wandering the corridors of the W.I.C.K.E.D facility. Her mind went back to when she picked up one of those guns and pressed it against the doctor's back. She didn't know why, but her thoughts wouldn't move on from that.

I'm only 12 or 13. I shouldn't have ever have had to pick up a gun, never mind threaten to use it. These next few days are gunna be rough. Wow, even in the worst situations I still manage to be hilarious.

She began to think about Aris. She was angry at him. She was angry at how he had never shown her the vents, never told her what he saw, didn't want her to come with him to investigate. They were all the other had, and he had ignored her completely.

I bet if I hadn't met him on his way to Thomas's room, he wouldn't have even come for me when they were escaping. I would probably still be in that building.

She thought back to the zombie thingys.

What the hell were those things? Wait, didn't Janson say something before about cranks? Ohhh I bet they were the cranks. I like zombie thingys better though. Yeah, I think I'll stick with zombie thingys.

Then her mind wandered to a new topic.

None of these boys like me. I can tell. I mean, it's not like many people in the Square liked me, but still. I mean, I'm funny, I make great puns... actually never mind, I'm annoying. Oh well, most of them might die anyway. I mean, I could die too. Better to not get attached to anyone.

She didn't know when, but at some point, she fell asleep.

At first in her dream, she was talking to Harriet. Then, Harriet turned into a crank. She began to chase Darcy and Darcy tripped. She woke up just before she was about to be attacked.

Next, she was crawling though the vents of W.I.C.K.E.D again, when she fell through them. She landed back in the Square, except there was no one else there. She began to walk around when a Roller came out from behind a tree. All of a sudden, Amelia was there in front of her.

"Darcy, are you okay?" she asked.

Darcy tried to warn her that there was a Roller right behind her, but she couldn't speak. The words were refusing to leave her mouth as the Roller approached.

"Darcy, what's wrong?" asked Amelia, her voice full of concern.

The Roller was right behind her, extending a chainsaw arm. Just before the saw made connection with her flesh, she woke up.

"Hey!" Thomas was shouting.

She was squinting as it was now bright outside. She wanted to get up, but her legs ached from running so much the previous day so she just layed there. What was the rush?

"Are they gone?" asked Newt.

"Yeah. I think we're safe for now," replied Thomas. "We should get moving."

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