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Chapter 10:
>Dibs on going first<
"Thanks, Minho. Never would've guessed who it was if you didn't tell us"

"Shut up, Darcy."


"Come on!" shouted Thomas as he ran towards the door.

The rest of the group followed him. They didn't get far, though, because one of the men had come through the door, holding a gun and pointing it at them.

He held a walkie talkie in his other hand. "I've got 'em," he said into it.

"Hey, come on, we just gotta get out of here," said Thomas.

"Is that so?" aked the man.

"Yeah, it is. So if you could just run along and let us leave, that'd be great," piped up Darcy, making her way to the front.

He sneered at her. "Janson, I've got 'em for you. I'll bring 'em down."

He then pointed the gun directly at Darcy.

Darcy had been in many fights before involving rollers, other W.I.C.K.E.D staff, but never before had she been on the receiving end of a gun. Her eyes widened as she stared down the barrel, and her heart hammered furiously. She wanted to move, but she was rooted to the spot.

"Hey, Hey, Hey, wait" yelled Thomas, jumping in front of her, as well as Aris and Newt. Fry pushed her to the back of the group.

"Don't shoot, don't shoot," said Thomas, holding up his hands in surrender.

Darcy knew the man holding the gun was a psychopath and she knew he was going to shoot. So, ignoring every rational thought that was dancing around in her head, she once again made her way to the front of the group. No one stopped her as everyone was too busy focusing on the gun.

The man now had the gun aiming at Thomas. Darcy wasn't going to let another person die just because they decided to jump in front of her and take her pain.

Just as she heard the shot, she jumped in front of Thomas. She heard a chorus of, "No!" as well as her name.

Thomas caught her before she hit the ground.


She opened her eyes, which has been scrunched up as she dived. "I've never been shot before, but I'm pretty sure there's supposed to be blood," said a bewildered Darcy.

"That's because there is," said a female voice.

The group looked up at the sound to see the girl with short hair from earlier.

"Come on," she said, jerking her head in the direction of the exit.

They ran in the direction of the room they had been in before, and just as they arrived, a song started playing.

Well that's a nice little touch for an escape.

Jorge was in the room. "Brenda! Hurry! We don't have much time."

He opened a giant window to a long line of what looked like rope. It lead to another part of the building, looking like a zipline.

"Oh, you've gotta be kidding me," said Fry.

As Jorge was pulling down some bands for everyone to slide down, he said, "Plan B, hermano. You kids wanna find the Right Arm, I'll take you to them."

Darcy had a giant grin adorning her face as she said, "Dibs on going first!" and grabbed onto one of the bands.

She heard a couple of complaints that she shouldn't go first, but she ignored them.

Jorge chuckled and said, "I like her," before she gripped tightly to the band and threw herself out the window.

She whooped as she slid. She could feel the wind through her hair and could almost forget about the fact that they were escaping W.I.C.K.E.D again, and imagine she had a normal life, just going down a zipline for a couple of seconds.

As she reached the end, she let herself drop onto the floor of the building.

Jorge came next, followed by Minho, Fry, Newt and Aris. They waited, but neither Thomas nor Brenda came.

But none of them left- they weren't going to abandon two from their team. Jorge tapped his foot impatiently on the ground as the minutes ticked by, and Darcy let herself sit on a huge piece of rubble.

"They need to get out of there soon," he said, voice strained.

"It's fine, they'll get out," Darcy reassured him.

"No, you don't understand. Once that song stops playing--"

He was cut off by a loud bang. The building they had come from was exploding.

"Everyone, go! Quick!" exclaimed Jorge, ushering them to run.

They all ran through the building, corridor after corridor as the racket of collapsing building behind them resonated in their ears.

It's okay. Thomas will be fine. He'll have made it out. Of course he did.

But how could he have?

He just did. He's Thomas. He always makes it out of difficult situations.

But Darcy wasn't so sure that he had this time.

*A/N: Once again, sorry this chapter is so short. I've been working on another fanfic (Don't worry, I'm not gonna stop writing this one like I did last time) so the updates for this one are probably gonna be quite slow. I'll try to pre-write some but no promises. Anyway, yeah, hope you enjoy!
Also, wtf, 900 reads!?!?!?

update: literally WHO gave me speaking rights istg*

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