Chapter one.

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                         : (Convocation) :

Today, Tomi and I are graduating from Yale. We both applied and got in,  though for different courses.

I, surgery, Tomi, art.

So right now, I am admiring myself at my cracked bedside mirror.

Tomi had come extra early to help me get ready. Right now, my hair is done up in a slightly messy but cute way at the same time. Strands of jet black hair caress the sides of my face, courtesy of my best friend.

Unfortunately, mother could not afford to get me a makeover so Tomi offered to come help.
Actually, Tomi's hairdo and makeup skills are great so I don't really mind her doing it for me. (Okay, I actually prefer her to a "make-up artist".)
I had a makeover once and when I compare my look then and now, the difference is clear, Tomi's better.

Tomi's done and..... What can I say? You're gorgeous baby, look at you!! I make a mental note to take a selfie even though I'm not very photogenic.

"Do you like it?" Lost in my thoughts, I had totally forgotten about her. I sense she's yearning to hear my comment. She usually thinks she isn't that good but I know that's just insecurity on her part because I've made comparisons like now.

"I love it". I look so beautiful that a lump forms in my throat and I pull her into a tight hug.
In a chocked whisper, I am able to squeeze out the words, "thank you".

She pulls away gently, "It's the least I could do".

My eyes become moist and I quickly blink in an attempt to shield my emotions from Tomi.

Unfortunately, I'm not that lucky.

"Don't cry, you'll spoil the makeup." She snaps suddenly.

"Who's crying? I'm not crying". I flick away the tear and brush past her,  avoiding her gaze and quickly switching my attention to the clock which is hanging on the wall.

"Oh would you look at that, it's almost 10,o'clock." I sniff against my will.

I turn and Tomi is wearing a very blank expression on her face - the 'you-think-I'm-stupid' kind of look.
She just rolls her eyes and motions for me to get dressed.
She already had her makeover before coming over, so all we both need to do is get dressed.

I admire the black dress lying neatly at the edge of my bed.
It's made from light cotton with slivery gray laces running all around it and I remember how we had to rummage through the old discount store in order to find something suitable for the occasion.
It also greatly helped that my mom is friends with the cashier, if not we wouldn't have gotten it at such a low price.

  Tomi is already clad in her light blue fitted dress with sequins around the lower part sporting her silver clutch.

"You can stop staring already", She chuckles with an eyebrow raised and I huff.

"In your dreams, sister", I wave her off and strap on my equally black heels. 

Courtesy of Tomi again.

I grab her into a quick selfie before we leave my room. Check mental note✔

I hold tightly unto the supporter as we both climb down the staircase because I'm in heels and the loud creaking of the staircase seems to suggest that we be careful. 
Wise actually because this staircase is older than I am. And there's something called wood decay.

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