Chapter 13

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Lyra's heart raced. She'd been in hundreds of skirmishes and brawls but never in an actual battle. The six Bloodletters were the first time she'd actually killed someone in combat. She glanced around her. Aiden, a young man not much older than she, stood to her left. He wore chain mail with a dark green tunic. He had a longsword at his left hip and a dagger at his right. His wavy dark brown hair touched his shoulders and he had a day's growth of beard. His piercing icy blue eyes were the bluest she'd ever seen. On her right stood Orin, the mountain of a man that Faeren had recruited when he tried to rob the two of them on the road. It had been Lyra's magic that had kept him at bay. He respected her skill and she his brute strength. She could think of no one better to be fighting next to. Save Talish. But at this moment she was glad he had remained at the Keep. In truth, Lyra thought this whole battle a very bad move on Sari's part. And she had mentioned that to Faeren.

"She won't listen to reason. And if you were to tell her your concerns, she would think I sent you."

"Would it not be best to disrupt Arlan's supply lines instead of attacking his camp?"

"It was suggested. But she thought that a direct attack was the better idea," Faeren sighed. "The kingdom is doomed if either one of them wins the throne."

It was a thought that bothered her. Both factions were more concerned with becoming the next monarch than the people they were supposed to be protecting. Faeren stood with them ready to lead his Guardians. Lyra took the calming breaths Talish had taught her so long ago.

"First battle?" Aiden asked suddenly.

Lyra nodded, not wanting to betray her apprehension with her voice and it be mistaken for fear.

"Mine, too."

She hoped it wouldn't be their last as she grasped her magic.

A horn sounded and Arlan's forces surged forward, the men screaming their battle cries. A second horn sounded and Sari's forces screamed their battle cries in response and raced to meet them. With a sound like thunder, the two factions clashed. Lyra saw that they were vastly outnumbered. Soon her sword was crimson with the blood of the enemy. She lost Aiden somewhere in the charge and hoped he hadn't been among of the first casualties. Orin's great sword cut through his enemies easily. Lyra dodged blades, arrows, and magic. She danced around a soldier who was insisting on going for her head. The senior Guardian that had helped with her Trial removed his instead. Lyra nodded her thanks. She saw a throng of soldiers mass around one of Sari's men and she delved into her magic, knowing they wouldn't think anything of it with the amount of magic going through the air from spellcasters on both sides. They went flying and Lyra saw in horror that the soldier had been Faeren. His armor was bloodstained and his own blood poured from a wound in his chest. She planted herself protectively in front of him, sword in front of her, daring anyone to come at them. And many dared.

The horn of retreat sounded, Sari finally seeing that this hadn't been a very good idea. Aiden knew the Guardians would continue to fight unless Faeren ordered their retreat. He defended himself from one of Arlan's men. He cried out when the man's blade cut into his right side. He retaliated and the man soon lay dead. Jean seemed to suddenly appear out of nowhere, mortally wounded.

"This was suicide," he said. Aiden caught him as he fell. "Faeren's gravely wounded. Get him out of here. Arlan will show no mercy on him if he captures him."

Saren appeared on the other side of his brother. He looked at Aiden, who shook his head. They both knew that Jean was dying. The assassin was gasping for breath and wincing in pain.

A trickle of blood appeared at the corner of Jean's mouth. "Find Faeren and get him as far away from here as you can."

"He's right, Aiden. Faeren is privy to all of Sari's war councils. He would try to get her tactics and plans from him. The rest of us will continue fighting to make Arlan think he is still commanding us."

"Where is he?"

"Find Lyra," Jean gasped. "Where she is, Faeren is." Then Jean died.

Saren closed his eyes and Aiden saw the grief on his face.

"Don't let his death be in vain," Saren said, the pain and grief of losing one of his triplets clear in his voice. He opened his eyes and looked at Aiden. "You and Lyra get Faeren the hell out of here. The three of you must survive. There must be Guardians in the kingdom, else all is lost."

Aiden gently laid Jean's body down.

"My sister and I will do what we can to cover your escape. If Neve is still alive. Just go! Now!"

Aiden closed Jean's sightless eyes before fleeing to search for Lyra, dodging retreating soldiers in the process.

He found her fighting off three of Arlan's men, wounded but still standing. Her cheek had a cut that was leaving a crimson trail down it and her neck and a gash on her right arm bled freely. Aiden dispatched one while she finished off the other two. Faeren lay behind her, gasping in pain. Aiden sheathed his sword and knelt next to him.

"We have to get him out of here," he said.

"No, leave me. You two have a better chance of escaping without the burden of me."

"Nonsense." Aiden felt something odd behind him and turned but saw nothing.

Lyra sheathed her sword and drew her bow and an arrow. "If we're going to leave, we had best do it now and quickly," she said, the first time Aiden had actually heard her speak. Her voice had a strength to it, along with a hint of experience. "Will you be able to bear him?"

In answer, Aiden heaved Faeren onto his back. The Commander cried out from the jarring of his wounds.

"Let's go!"

Together the three of them fled, Aiden carrying Faeren and Lyra bringing up the rear to shoot anyone who tried to follow.

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