Chapter 27

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"Are you sure this is what you wish to do, Will?"

Will turned towards his father. He had packed some provisions and a satchel of his potent salves and the herbs he needed to make them. He knew his father would see his decision.

"Yes, Father. The Guardians need what aid they can acquire. I want to help them."

"The road will be a long and dangerous one, my son. I only want you to know this and be prepared for it. If you decide this, I do not know if you will return to us, but I see you becoming stronger because of it."

"You cannot dissuade me from this. It's my choice."

"I know." He placed a hand on his shoulder. "I cannot and will not try to convince you otherwise. If this is the path you choose, so be it."

Will was surprised at his father's words.

"I shall be proud of you, my son." He kissed both his cheeks. "I will pray for your safety and that you will return to us alive."

Will saw pride in his father's eyes.

"Goodbye, my son. May the Great Mother keep you."

"And may she keep you. Goodbye, Father."

With those words and a final look back, Will left his family's hut and his village. His future uncertain, butterflies in his stomach, and a wildly beating heart, but a grand adventure and experiences before him.

Lyra was aware they were being followed. She hadn't seen their tagalong companion but she'd had the feeling they were there since dawn, when they left the village.

Aiden had noticed her looking over her shoulder. "What is it?"

"I don't know but I think we're being followed."

"Arlan's?" Neve asked. "Do you think he sent men to look for us in Druid territory?"

"No." She thought a moment. "I think it may be one of the children from the village."

"We should wait for them, then."

And wait they did. It was a few hours before they saw a teenage boy with sandy hair. His bangs stopped just short of his eyes and the rest of his hair framed his youthful face. He wore a brown shirt, trousers, and boots. At his belt was a scepter on one side and a dagger on the other. Across his chest was a brown satchel and a pack. Lyra sighed, recognizing him. He was the boy she'd intimidated the Paladins to save, the Elder's son.

She stepped out of the trees, startling him. "Why are you following us?"

"I want to join you. I can be useful."

"I'm afraid we need more than an ability to sense magic in others." Aiden and Neve joined them.

"I can make healing salves and I have the strongest nature magic in the entire village."

"Can you use that?" Lyra pointed at his dagger.

"Well enough to defend myself."

"Lyra, he's too young," Neve said. "He can't be no more than sixteen."

"I was fifteen when I became a guard. Don't judge him by his age." She gave him a small smile. The Great Mother had said she would find an ally among the Druids. "What's your name, boy?"


"Keep up. And until we can teach you how to use that dagger properly, stay out of the way of any fighting we are thrown into."

Will smiled.

Neve looked at Lyra with a shocked look on her face. "What?"

"We need all the help we can get, Neve," Aiden said. "We should keep moving."

Lyra nodded. "Agreed." They continued on, one stronger than they were.

Gaia smiled as she watched their exchange, she knew the boy would be a great ally in the days to come and she could see his power would come in handy for the Guardians. She had whispered to him in his sleep encouraging this decision, knowing that it would grow his own power. And in a way saving him from Thrantos for a while. Had he remained in the village, he would not have seen his next spring. Thrantos knew this and had been angry at Gaia but had only backed down when the pizza kitty growled at him. Gaia looked back into the Window to watch the Guardians progress.

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