Chapter 50

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Many of the men Lyra didn't know. But her heart broke at each face she recognized. Why didn't they use their magic? Together they would have been stronger than Arlan. She searched everywhere but found no sign of Talish, even as she was afraid she would find his mutilated body. No one who was in the Keep appeared to have survived, they'd even killed the stable workers. She came upon the blacksmith who'd made her armor for her. He was hewn in many places, his handiwork clutched in both hands. It had taken many wounds to bring him down. His apprentice was missing his head, but hadn't released the weapon he bore. New tears appeared as Lyra knelt next to her old friend.

"I'm sorry, my friend," she whispered. "This shouldn't have been your fate."

Lyra was startled by a hand on her shoulder. She jumped up and spun around, a hand on the hilt of her sword. What she saw made her blink several times. A woman with pure white hair and chain mail that wasn't practical for battle stood before her. Folded behind her were a pair of wings the color of newly fallen snow. Lyra immediately knew her as a Valkyrie.

"I am not here for any of you," she said. "I wanted to see the one so many, both mortal and god, have spoken of."

"The gods speak of me?"

"You sound surprised." She gave a sad smile. "I am Kalatira, Chief of the Valkyries."

"Surly to see me isn't the only reason you are here."

"No, I wanted to see the one that one of the souls I've Embraced inquired about."


"A man here asked as I Embraced him if you were in our halls. I told him you were not and I saw a peace in his eyes as if he could truly rest knowing you were alive."


"An older man wearing heavy armor and dying from two deep wounds."

Lyra was hit with a wave of shock and realization and had to brace herself against one of the beams. Had Kalmin regretted her recruitment? Did he think she was dead? Kalmin had respected and admired her more than she thought.

Kalatira stepped forward and took her hands. "I weary of wandering battlefields and collecting the souls of those slain in battle. They say you are the Champion we've waited for. They say only you have the power to defeat Alora. Once Alora is ended, end this war. I weary of it." Her voice sounded as weary as she claimed to be. "Veloce will not last much longer if this war continues." The Valkyrie placed her hand on Lyra's cheek. "We all weary of the war, both god and mortal alike." And then she was gone.

Could she ever be ready to face Alora?

Lyra could hear Will and Neve in the training yard, Saren yelling pointers at the Druid. She turned the corner and saw them sparring. Will seemed to be becoming surer of his skill. Shara was leaning against a wall, watching. Lyra asked the mercenary if she knew where Aiden and Daylen were. After Shara told her, Lyra left to find them. She heard them before she saw them.

"She wasn't the woman I thought she was. Your father tried to talk sense into her." Daylen's words caught her attention.

"My father?"

"Faeren. Was he not your father?"

Aiden laughed. "No. He was like a father to me."

"The way you two acted around one another, I was sure you were related."

"Not that I know of."

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