Chapter 75

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Knowing that Lyra could have easily taken her life on the battlefield, Sari was the first to concede to Aiden, doing so the day after the battle. Several weeks after that deciding battle, Arlan returned to Citori looking worst for wear. Lyra admitted to casting one of Alora's curses on him that only she could remove. Arlan conceded to Aiden and Lyra removed the curse. Both Sari and Arlan could not deny that Aiden was indeed Mael's son. Isis, Naida, and Avani all returned to their respective homes. Deandra swore allegiance to Aiden, vowing to come at his call whenever he needed her. The Valkyries and the gods who'd come to their aid during the battle returned to their realms, Morrigan, Thorn, and Draven choosing to see Aiden to the end of his journey.

Aiden's heart beat widely as he made his way towards the dais that held the thrones that Mael and Aisha had held for so many years. This shouldn't have had to be his birthright, but as he was the last of the Medina line, it was his duty to take the throne. He stopped a few paces before the first steps. On top of the dais was a Priestess of Gaia, holding the golden band that was the crown. Aiden glanced over to his friends and met Lyra's eyes. She smiled and gave him a nod of encouragement. Aiden took a deep breath and mounted the stairs. He knelt before the Priestess.

"Aiden Medina, Son of King Mael Medina, Guardian of the Kingdom and Hero of the People, do you accept your place as first and last amongst the People? Do you swear to uphold the laws of the land and keep her people safe from harm and put your people's well-being before your own in the name of the Great Mother, Gaia?"

"I do. I swear this in the name of the Great Mother."

The Priestess placed the crown upon his head. "Arise, my liege. May your reign know peace, King Aiden."

Aiden rose and turned back towards the gathered people. The hall exploded in deafening applause and cheers.

Aiden raised his hands and the cheers slowly died down. "As you know, I was not alone in my fight. I had a band of brothers and sisters at my back and the time has now come to reward them. After the fall of the Guardians of Veloce and Faeren's death, Saren stepped up to lead those that survived. Even though in the end only six survived, he continued to rally us. Saren Sigrun."

The former assassin ascended the stairs and bowed.

"As you have taken on the role of Commander of the Guardians of Veloce, I would like the title to be official, my friend."

"Thank you, my liege." Saren bowed again and rejoined the others.

"First Knight Talish Gemini."

The Paladin ascended next.

"The Paladins have suffered as much as the Guardians in this war. I shall send men to help with the clean up of Paladins' Keep and the honor of your Order shall be restored. The memories of what happened there cannot be undone, but I hope it will be a step towards healing."

"Thank you."

"The Guardians will return to Halmont and I hope that Saren, Neve, Kara, Lex, and Lyra can rebuild the order once more. Shara of the Order of the Wolf."

She nervously joined Aiden.

"You have been quite vocal in all of our schemes that never quite went right," There was a spattering of laughter. "But you always kept your head no matter what. I would like to appoint you as the general of my armies."

Shara's eyes widened and she gaped.

"If you accept, that is," he added with a smile at her reaction.

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