Chapter 65

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Lyra knelt next to Talish, the Shadows having parted at Neve's command after the battle. Talish was struggling to keep his eyes open, having slipped in and out of consciousness since being slammed with Alora's spell.

"Talish," Lyra whispered.

He attempted to give her that lopsided smile. "Is it over?" he whispered, his voice weak.

"It's over. She's dead."

"Good." Talish closed his eyes. "Protect the king."

"Don't you dare, Talish!" She grabbed his face in between her palms and he barely opened his eyes. "Don't you even think about it!"

"Always loved you." Talish closed his eyes again and went limp. He was unconscious again and barely alive.

"I refuse to let you die, you bloody oaf!" Lyra gathered all her power to her and set to trying to heal him. She didn't know the spell, but, by all the gods, she was going to try to reverse it. She pushed all her power into healing him. "Don't you dare die for us!" Tears were streaming down her face. Without knowing the spell, she couldn't reverse the damage Alora had done. "Gaia! Don't let him die!"

The others could only watch with heavy hearts. They knew if Lyra couldn't heal him, he was beyond saving.

"Talish!" Lyra wasn't going to give up. Movement caught their eye and Lyra looked up to see Kalatira with her wings outstretched. "No! Stay away from him!"

"Lyra." Saren placed a hand on her shoulder. "He's beyond our aid."

Thanatos walked towards them then.

Lyra shook her head. "No."

"Thanatos, go back to your hole," Draven growled, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.

"You dare to stand between myself and my duties, Draven," Death's voice was gravelly.

"We all dare to," Morrigan said, standing at his side. Thorn stood at the other.

Lyra pushed her magic as far as it would go, trying to feel the spell as the three gods who'd aided her stood between Talish and Death.

"Gaia, help me," she whispered. "He cannot die for me."

Kalatira slipped past the gods.

"Don't, Kalatira. Please."

"Several years ago, I watched a man suffer for you. My sense of duty then kept me from Embracing him until the moment of his death. That man's death has haunted me and made me question my duties. I can see his death will scar you deeply. I see that three gods are willing to anger Death himself to give you time to aid your friend. I cannot stand by and watch another soul suffer." The Valkyrie leaned down and took a breath.

Gaia placed a hand on Kalatira's shoulder, causing the Valkyrie to jump. She looked up and then inclined her head.

"Great Mother! I..."

Gaia held her hand up. "I know." She knelt on the opposite side of Talish from Lyra. "You have saved our futures and the future of Veloce this day and I seek to reward you. Yet I know you will not ask for any boon for yourself, yes?"

"I don't want Talish to die for us. I... I would do it myself but I cannot reverse Alora's spell. She drained him of his magic and... and his life is ebbing quickly. Please, Great Mother. Save him! I beg of you!"

"Shh," Gaia whispered soothingly. "Shh." She leaned down and pressed her lips to Talish's.

Everything grew quiet, even the arguing gods. Lyra grabbed Aiden's hand with one hand and Talish's in the other. Aiden wrapped his free arm around Lyra's shoulder, barely daring to breathe. When Gaia straightened, Talish's body arched as Gaia's magic warred with Alora's. Lyra squeezed Aiden's hand as fresh tears ran down her cheeks. After what seemed like an eternity, the Paladin's body settled back down. His eyes flew open and he drew in a ragged gasp of breath.

He took several breaths and looked around. "I think you're rubbing off on me, Lyra. I'm seeing gods."

Lyra barked a laugh.

"Why do I feel like I was slammed into a wall?"

"Because you were."

"Alora's spell has been reversed," Gaia said. "His magical energy will return with rest."

"Thank you," Lyra whispered. "Thank you."

"So you side with the mortals?" Thanatos said. "He was due to be mine!"

Gaia stood. "Alora would not have stopped until she destroyed everything, including us."

Thanatos fell silent, knowing he could not deny that.

"The Valkyries will be the ones who Embrace any of the Champion's companions, not you."

"Fair enough, Gaia." His eyes fell on Lyra. "Only hope that she remains on the path of her father and does not follow her mother and sister's."

"You have my word on that," Lyra said. "I want nothing more to do with them and I refuse to be like them."

Thanatos inclined his head. "I hope for all of our sakes that remains true." In a flurry of crows, he was gone.

Gaia turned back to Lyra and Aiden. "A great task lies ahead for the two of you. Take the time to regroup and recover from this day. We will aid you directly in your battles to come."

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