Chapter 17

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The whole story of her recruitment had been a lie, of course. Lyra didn't talk about her binding for obvious reasons. She wasn't ashamed of being a Paladin or of her magic and she really didn't know why she didn't just come out that she was one. The lie had rolled off her tongue much too easily for her liking. But she knew their reputation. Spellcasters feared them because of the rumors and others just saw them as castoffs and folks that couldn't make it in the army or as a guard. But she was afraid of Aiden's reaction when he found out how powerful she was. People naturally feared spellcasters as if every one of them would turn them into toads. If they knew that there were those that didn't use staves or scepters, they would fear their very neighbors. And she didn't want Aiden to fear her. What would he say if she told him the whole truth? How would she tell him anyway? Oh, by the way, the most powerful sorceress in all of Veloce cast a binding spell on me and I removed it one night after I was shown how to use magic without a staff. Oh, and I used to be part of an order of arcane warriors. Surprise! How does one drop that on someone they've only known a few days? But how would she explain why she kept that from him as well. Perhaps she would admit her deception once they knew each other better, but she could not justify telling him now.

It was a week before they reached Valeria, the town near Paladins' Keep. Lyra hoped that no one would recognize her. She casually led the way around the guard posts, knowing they would recognize her, to the market in the middle of town. She could see the walls of Paladins' Keep and she wondered about Talish and the others. Lyra was sure the news of the latest battle had reached them by now and she wondered if they thought she was dead or captured. She and Aiden stepped inside a general merchandise shop and separated to browse the wares and listen for gossip and news. As Lyra looked at a pair of dark green cloaks that matched her armor, she overheard a pair of women gossiping.

"He said that Sari's troops scattered like scared rabbits and left the Guardians to stand against Arlan on their own."

"Why did Sari even attack Arlan? Even with the Guardians' help, there's no doubt that they were outnumbered."

"Oh, they were. I heard that many Guardians were killed. Including Commander Faeren."

"Pity. Commander Faeren was a good man. I met him once. He was such a gentleman."

"Didn't he recently recruit one of the Paladins?"

"I heard that. Karen said that Faeren had to convince Kalmin to release him."

"Him? I heard it was that lady Paladin, Mahariel."

"Kalmin would have a riot if he allowed her to go. Zela told me that she's highly respected by the men and she's the best Paladin they have."

"I think you have a reason to be jealous."

The other woman laughed. "Zela only has eyes for me. I'm expecting to hear about Talish finally deciding to stop beating around the bush and start courting her."

Lyra froze.

"He hasn't already?" They moved away, continuing the gossip about Talish's love life.

She'd heard the rumors that circulated for years that he had a crush on her, but she'd only heard it through the other Paladins teasing them over their close friendship. She'd even asked Talish about it and he'd denied it. But to hear it said by a pair of villagers, one of them an initiate's wife, planted doubts in her mind now. Lyra started when the hand touched her shoulder.

"You alright?" Aiden asked, concern on his face.

"I'm fine." She took the cloaks down and handed one to her fellow Guardian. "What do you think about these? They seem warm."

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