Chapter 26

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Will watched as his father read the Guardian spellcaster. He was still amazed at how much power she commanded. After what seemed like an eternity, his father released her hands.

"You are indeed powerful. Never has anyone been able to keep me from seeing into their memories."

"There are things there that I do not wish to remember and I sure do not want anyone else to see."

"I see." He paused a moment before continuing. "I am afraid you do not have the affinity to nature as many of us have, but the healers may be able to instruct you in becoming a more powerful healer. You have a great affinity to the elements and to shadow and combat spells, the latter two of which we do not know well. But you seek answers as well."

"How am I God Touched? And how could you see that?"

"Much is shown to me. For many, many years, I have Dreamed of the one who would be born with the touch of the gods. The one the gods themselves would protect and guide, whom they would speak to."

"You are a Dreamwalker. You have spoken to the gods as well."

"I have only spoken to the Great Mother. The other gods do not speak to mere mortals unless they fancy them. But you, the gods speak with you and overstep their bounds to do so."

"I don't follow."

"It is by your hand that peace will come to Veloce, Champion. It is for you that the gods will walk amongst mortal men."

She was silent for some time. Will was amazed at what his father was saying. This was the God Touched Champion of Veloce? The one who would end Alora's reign of fear?

"Thank you, Elder, for your time," she finally said and rose.

"You should make what plan you will and leave soon. Your fellow Guardians do not have much time."

She nodded and departed. Will knew in his heart he needed to help them on their quest. And he hoped she needed the use of a nature spellcaster. He had no doubt that his father would see his path now that he had made his decision, but there was nothing he could say to make him change his mind. He was going with the Guardians. They needed all the aid they could use.

Lyra hopped backward, the Druid warrior missing her. The three Guardians were sparring with three of the warriors. One had challenged them to a sparring match and they accepted the challenge on the condition that they be evenly matched. The warriors had yet to touch any of them. Neve and Lyra seemed to be anticipating their opponents' movements while Aiden's skill was keeping him from being touched. Finally, satisfied with their skill, the three warriors conceded.

"Is everything set?" Lyra asked. "Have we all the supplies we need for the journey?"

"Yes, what of you? Do you think you'll be able to do this? To keep us hidden?" Aiden asked. Neve took a drink and watched her.

"Yes," Lyra said confidently. "I think I will be able to do this." They still had no clue how powerful she was. "If everything is set we need to take our leave and set the plan into motion."

The other two agreed. They spoke to the elder and he announced a feast in their honor. They would leave at first light the next morning. Lyra prayed that they wouldn't be too late.

Neve was finding it hard to sleep. Her heart was heavy with both grief and worry. Everything was relying on Lyra's magic and her ability to keep at least Aiden and herself hidden. She wondered what Lyra used to channel her spells. Her sword? Neve would never have guessed her fellow Guardian was a spellcaster as she didn't use a staff like Grace, Kara, and Lex. She'd never heard of one not using any kind of medium. She found that she was suspicious of Lyra. Had Faeren known she was a spellcaster? Why hadn't she told anyone? The Guardians respected the power of a spellcaster. There had been several in their ranks before Arlan's attacks. This was going to be a daring mission and she could only pray that no one was killed in the process. She worried that they would be too late for Saren, that Arlan would have killed him trying to make him give up the names of those who escaped. She was terrified to be the last of her family. After all that they'd gone through together. This was the first time they had been separated and she felt alone. She'd always had her brothers' company.

"Gaia, please watch over Saren," Neve prayed. "Please give him your protection and strength to resist Arlan. Watch over the other prisoners and please allow us to be successful in our mission. Please give us what aid you can." The assassin lay awake for a while longer repeating that prayer until she finally fell into an unrestful sleep.


Saren's arms trembled from struggling to keep himself upright. His wrists were sore and blood slowly trickled down his arms from struggling against the shackles that held him upright. He was struggling to stay conscious. His head was on his chest and he gasped for breath. He could see Kyrie's feet.

"No man should be able to withstand that," Arlan said.

"No, they shouldn't. I've only known one other person to hold out so long against my spells." A hand grasped his throat and the worst pain he'd felt yet shot through his whole body. Saren screamed, his body tensing.

"Tell me who there are and where they went!"

"I... I don't know!"

"You do know, Guardian. How many escaped?"

"I don't know!"

Kyrie released him and he sagged, tears of pain running down his cheeks. His legs gave way and he no longer had the strength to hold himself up by the shackles.

She grabbed him by his hair and pulled his head back. "Just tell us and all this will end. Arlan will give you a merciful death."

Saren spat on her. "Thrantos take me and Valkyries Embrace me before I betray my brothers." He lost consciousness and his head fell forward.

Kyrie released his hair and motioned for the guards to take him away. "That may happen sooner than you think, Guardian."

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