ITALIAN SUSHI, ANGEL WINGS & FRENEMIES || The Birthday Shenanigans (part eight)

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| Picture at the top: This is the necklace she talks about, except hers has a small diamond in the middle and has an engraving on the back |


As soon as the party started, I went straight for the food. Nonna made my favourite Italian finger food - arancini di riso which I just call Italian sushi - that are basically rice balls covered in bread crumbs with an amazing filling and then fried. They're delicious. Sadly, Nonna couldn't come tonight - plus I don't think a 21st birthday party is her scene anymore.

Looking around the room with my mouth stuffed, I notice that almost everyone is here and have mostly greeted me; overall there are probably around fifty people here. I have a big family despite not having siblings. This is because my mum - my Italian side - has seven siblings and my dad has four siblings. All of my aunts and uncles have children except Uncle Matthew on my dad's side. However, his wife is expecting. My dad couldn't make it tonight, for obvious reasons, but I'll be going home to see him the day after tomorrow.

For the most part, this party is my family and only about ten friends. I'm not one of those people who want two separate parties. One for all the family and one for all of my friends. I think that's ridiculous because I'm pretty close to my family and I don't really care, it's just a birthday party.

Of course, my family is just as embarrassing as any other family but I want to be surrounded by people I love. And that includes them.

I wonder about Ollie; whether or not he's here and I just don't know it. All we know about each other when it comes to appearances is our hair and eye colour. If I remember correctly, he said he had hazel eyes and black hair. Plus, he'll be one of the only people here who I don't know so he should be easy enough to spot.

A squeal is suddenly in my ear and a petite body squeezes me, "Macy! Happy birthday!"

"I can't breathe, Hannah!"

Hannah, my other best friend, loosens her grip slightly so I can breathe and hug her back, "It's so good to see you, oh my God."

I've known Hannah for six years, whereas I've known Ellie for ten. The number doesn't matter to me too much because it doesn't make Hannah any less of a good friend. I love them both.

"It is! What's it been? Eight months?" I pull away and notice that's she has dyed her hair an ashy blonde, "Whoa, when did you do this?"

Her red lips and perfect teeth take on a huge smile, "Last week! Do you like it? I'm a little unsure." She confesses, her almond eyes squinting as she plays with a few a locks.

I poke my finger through one of the curls and giggle, "I love it!"

Her ocean-blue eyes glance at my outfit, in an assessing way, "Your outfit is so cute! I could never pull that off with my pale ass skin."

My cheeks redden at the compliment. The mini dress I have on is a bright, fiery red that's covered in sequins that sparkle under the fairy lights. It has long sleeves with a lace trim and a high neckline. I despise heels, so I'm sporting some cute heeled boots in the same red colour. I'm wearing the necklace my dad got me for my 16th birthday because it's my favourite and I never take it off. The pendent is a pair of silver angel wings with a diamond in the middle. When I turn it over, there's an engraving that reads 'You're never alone, Massima'. He said he bought it for me to always remind me that I'm being watched over and looked after, no matter what life throws at me.

Before my eyes can continue tearing up, I smile at Hannah, "Aw, thank you! My hair isn't co-operating though," I scoff.

I tried re-curling it after Sam ruined it earlier but it didn't really work. The curls have loosened.

"I think the loose curls look hot!" She winks, "Anyway, let's go find Ellie and hope we don't run into Casey," Watching her button nose screw up at the name of our other friend from high school, I laugh and shake my head.

"She's probably matured since we last saw her."

"Doubtful," She rolls her eyes, linking her arm through mine, "I have thankfully not seen her since your last birthday."

Thinking back to it, I haven't either. Casey is that friend who always has to one up you, make you know that she has money and that she's prettier. She's the 'frenemy' friend, you know what I mean?

Her and Hannah used to be best friends when Ellie and I met them both. However, after two years of Casey talking behind Hannah's back and hooking up with her brother, Hannah confronted her. Let's just say their cat fight put a massive, steel wedge in their friendship and it hasn't been the same ever since.

Girls, am I right?



This chapter is dedicated to Zaynsthereason because they're amazing 😏 thank you for reading, voting, and commenting babe x

Ollie - I think - and his plus one will come in the next chapter 😉🙄 Also, after I've written all these parts, I might merge some of the chapters so there aren't as many parts 🙈

What do you guys think of Hannah?

What do you think of Macy's necklace and the meaning behind it?

- Chloe x


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