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"Hello, you're speaking with Macy from Heartache Hotline. How may I cure you today?"

"Macy! I tried your cell but you weren't answering so I figured you were at work."

"Ollie? What's wrong?" I ask, alarmed at the stress in his voice.

"It's my mum."

Ollie sighs and I imagine him running a hand through his hair.

"When I arrived, she was passed out on the floor drunk. I took her to the hospital because she was unresponsive. Macy... she has alcohol poisoning again."

The gasp that escapes me is loud and I notice my colleagues glance my way. Once they turn back to face their computers, I reply in a hushed voice, "Oh my gosh, again? Where was Izzy?"

"Still at her friends so she had no idea. I picked her up after I took Mum to hospital."

"How are you two doing?" The skin around the nail of my index finger starts being bitten away by my teeth as worry encompasses me.

"It's been a few hours now but Izzy's at the hospital with her at the moment. I came home to grab a few things because I'm going to stay there the night and Izzy is going to go stay with our Uncle. He only live's half an hour away and can take care of her while Mum recovers and gets her shit together."

"That's a good idea. How are you doing though? This must be really hard to go through."

"Yeah.. I just... I needed a few minutes, you know? That's why I called you as soon as I got here because I just needed to hear your voice. I'm stressed out, anxious, sad, and going fucking crazy because I don't know how to make everything better."

"I'm glad you called me, I'm always here for you and I wish I could physically be there. Just know that whatever happens with your mum is out of your hands. I don't want you beating yourself up over something you have no power over. Like I said last time; it sucks, it's a shitty situation but all you can do is be there for your family and get her some help - or at least try to."

"Yeah. Yeah, you're right. I've been putting on a brave face for Izzy but I needed to let someone in."

"What about Theo?"

"He lives a few hours away, I usually only see him every couple months - we went to High School together. I probably won't see him again for another few weeks."

"What about your friends here?" I bite my lip and my hand gravitates to the bright lime green stress ball next to my mouse. I squeeze it then let go, watching it re-inflate as I await his answer.

"Don't really have any close friends to be honest, just work mates really. I never have time to socialise with my Masters and my job. Anyway, I should really get going. I promised Izzy I would only be gone thirty minutes tops."

"Okay, drive safe and call or text me if you need me. I'll message you later before I go to bed to check in. I'll be thinking of you all." And I will be. I can't help but be a worry-wart.

"Got it. Thank you so much, Mace. I lo- um really appreciate you."

Aw, he's always so sweet. "It's not a problem, I'm happy to help. And, I appreciate you too, honestly. Alright, talk to you later then!"

"Talk then!"

end of call

♡♡♡ (changing this from stars to hearts because it's better suited 😂)

AN:  SOOO, what did you guys think? 😏😎

Also... Midnight Messages is now posted! 😄❤ Which, by the way, is the sequel to this book! It's Ellie's story for anyone who missed the initial announcement! I have only posted the first part (summary, disclaimers, author's note, format etc) buuuut if you're interested, please go add it to your library! I'll put a link to it on this inline comment section ->

Oh and I have named this series 'Connected' so this book is Connected #1 and MM is Connected #2 (as you will see in the titles) 😏👏

Once I have posted the prologue of MM, I will be announcing it on this book 💦 (😂)

I love and appreciate you guys so much! Thank you for all the reads, votes, and especially the comments! I love reading all of your comments and interacting with you guys! 😭❤

- Chloe xx

P.S. This is not the end of this book! It's just the timelines overlap so I thought I might as well start the second book now! We still have little bit left of this book! Maybe like 5-10 updates! 🤗

Heartache Hotline (Connected #1) | ✔Where stories live. Discover now