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|Important: literally just updated a couple hours ago so make sure you're all caught up!|


Previous Text Messages

[Sent at 02:38]
imso ducking sorryt

[Sent at 08:14]
Huh? Ollie?

New Text Messages

[Sent at 10:57]

[Sent at 10:59]
I meant what I said last night. I'm so fucking sorry for everything - at least now you can read it properly lol

[Sent at 14:23]
Hopefully you're just at work and not ignoring me

[Sent at 18:56]
I know I've been acting like a distant asshole lately but I miss you. I was just butthurt about you not wanting to be with me and then I had some other stuff going on too

[Sent at 12:33]
It's been a day... I guess I really fucked this up aye I'll give you some space

[Sent at 00:41]
Look, I know I said on Monday I would give you space but it's been almost three days and I tried to call you at work but it said it was an incorrect referral code. I'm getting worried about you, Mace 😕 Are you okay?

[Sent at 16:09]
You're not on your phone, you changed your referral number or have left work. What's wrong? 😭

[Sent at 20:19]
It's Friday now and I'm so fucking worried 😯 I miss you like crazy and just wanna hear your voice

[Sent at 21:01]
Fuck. Theo just showed me the screenshot of what Bianca sent you.

[Sent at 21:03]
I swear I barely even remember her being there or kissing her. Look, I can explain everything, just please talk to me 😔

[Sent at 21:07]
I know you have no reason to trust me but please try, I need to explain. If you decide you wanna talk, I'll be at Starbucks on Sunday. You owe me that date, remember? I'll understand if you don't show though x

[Sent at 21:10]
I'll be there at 1pm xo I hope you come 💙

[Sent at 12:39]
I know I'm twenty minutes early and you probably won't show but God, I hope you do. I have so much I need to say to you. I don't expect you to forgive me, I just want you to listen x

My cheeks are wet when I run a hand over my face. With my heart and mind arguing, they debate Oliver's genuinity. Do I listen to my heart or stick with what my mind has been telling me? That's the question pressing into my body at the moment.

Squeezing my eyes shut, I wipe away all the tears before I reopen them and pick up my phone. When the screen lights up, I gasp.

It's half past one in the afternoon.

Without thinking about anything, I quickly gather my things and wash my face, trying to disguise that I ever cried. As I gaze into the reflection of my partly bloodshot eyes, I pull my brunette hair into a high ponytail.

Leaving my apartment and heading towards my car, my mind starts to wonder. As I'm pulling out of my parking space, nerves start flooding me.

What if he's already gone? Starbucks isn't too far from my apartment but it's already almost 2PM. I doubt he would have hung around for an hour after I didn't show up.

When my mind starts worrying about whether or not my breath smells, I know I need to calm down. While I draw in deep breaths, I remind myself that I'm not going there to kiss him or forgive him. I'm going over to listen to what he has to say.

I've just got to hope he's still there.


AN: You guys wanted this update quick, so here you go! Hope you like it! 💗

- Chloe x

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