THE OLYMPUS' WATER THIEVES || The Birthday Shenanigans (part ten)

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|A picture of Ollie at the top - except in the story, he has stubble not a partial beard lol x|


I'm back at the food table where I was only ten minutes ago. However, this time I'm too anxious to eat. My eyes search the hall for Ellie, wanting her to come save me. It's not that I don't want to meet Ollie, it's actually that I do want to. So many freaking emotions and thoughts are running rampage through me that I have no idea how to sort them out. One thing's clear though, I don't want to meet his plus one.

I'm surprised he never told me he's dating someone. 

As soon as I spot Ellie next to the DJ - most likely telling him what songs she wants to hear - a deep, unsure voice speaks from my right.


As I turn around, all that goes through my head is 'oh God'. There are two reasons why I'm thinking this. The first is that he's, well, he's hot. I don't know what I was expecting, but I wasn't expecting this. His hair is dark and the length falls just past his ears in a messy, but attractive, way. Stubble graces his jaw, shadowing his olive skin making my mouth go dry. The second 'oh God' is because he sure as hell brought a plus one. They're just not who I thought they would be.

They're not a girl, but a guy. He has brown, sort of curly hair on top with the sides of his head shaved. Honestly, he's attractive too. 

Jesus, where do they get their water from? Olympus?

Coming out of my thoughts, I notice they're both looking at me weird. 

Wait, why are they- Oh shit, I forgot to respond.

Quickly straightening up, my fingers went straight to fidgeting, "Uh, yeah, I- um- ugh, sorry." I chuckle nervously before looking up at the guy with black hair; the one who spoke, "I'm guessing you're Ollie?"

His lips curl into a sweet smile, "Yeah," The song changes to 'Who Do You Love?' by The Chainsmokers and 5 Seconds of Summer. Looks like I'm right about what Ellie was doing because this is her favourite song at the moment.

"So, this is awkward." The other guy comments, shuffling on his feet and glancing at the food.

Internally, my head is banging itself against the wall. 

All of a sudden an arm is linking itself with mine and I look to my left to find Ellie grinning widely, "Hi! I'm Elicia, but please call me Ellie." She greets the two awkward guys in front of us, sticking her hand out.

Ollie raises his eyebrow, "I'm Ollie," He shakes her hand with a laugh, "This is my best friend, Theo." 

Oh, so it's not his boyfriend.

Don't blame me for thinking that, you never know these days and I'm not one to judge. 

Ellie makes small talk with them while I stand here somewhat unnerved. I just don't know what to say in these sort of situations; lucky for me, I have Ellie to ease the tension. That is, until she decides to ditch me.

She let's go of my arm, "Theo, should we leave these two to talk? I'll introduce you to some of Macy's cousins, you'll love them!" 

Theo shoots her a warm smile and runs a hand through his hair, "Sure!" He looks at me with the same grin, "First, is it alright if I grab some food?"

Well, isn't he lovable?

My nerves settle, his friendliness calming them, "Of course! Help yourself."

His face lights up, "Thanks, I'm starving!" He says, making us all laugh as he starts loading up his plate. 

"No problem," I chuckle. Ollie watches his best friend with amusement before glancing at me, catching me staring. 

Theo faces us, plate piled high with croissants, club sandwiches, and Italian sushi. "Alright, let's go," He grins at Ellie, to which she blushes in response. 

Hmm, interesting

"It was nice to meet you, Macy, happy birthday!" He says genuinely and I giggle slightly.

"My pleasure," I hug Ellie, give her a sneaky wink before looking back at Theo, "And thanks. Stick with Ellie, she's a fun drunk. She'll soon enough have you dancing." 

Ellie over-dramatically gasps, "I will not," her plump pink lips form a diabolical grin, "You know what? Maybe I will. Let's go, Theo." 

The poor guy looks nervous but then he chuckles, "I'm down. See you guys later!"

And then there were two.

"Well," Ollie takes a step closer and speaks softly, "You look stunning, happy birthday."

And there goes my heart, back on the floor. 


AN: This is unedited!

Did you guys like this chapter so far? What do you think of Ollie?

What about Theo?

We're just under two thirds of the way through this book! AHH

Be prepared for the draaaaamaaaaa that's to come in a couple chappies 😏😏

Can you guess what happens?

- Chloe x

Oh, also, this chapter is dedicated to zoyahahaha for reading, voting and commenting! Thank you so much hun xoxox

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