CASEY || The Birthday Shenanigans (part nine)

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Ironically, we run into Casey. Which I extremely unfortunate for Hannah. Her arm tightens around mine and I'm sure she's kicking herself on the inside right now.

"Hannah, Macy, I missed you!" She screeches, making us both wince. Honestly she was louder than the music, which is pretty loud. '8 Letters' by Why Don't We is playing and I love that song so when all I can hear is her voice, I internally glare at her.

Before I know it, her platinum blonde hair hits me in the face when she attacks - I mean, hugs - me.

"We missed you too, Case." I'm not lying because I did miss her until now. She's just a lot to handle and the only reason I invited her was because I've known her for so long. And because she would make my life hell if I didn't.

"I know you did. So anyway, this is my boyfriend, Jax." She introduces us to him, both of us saying hi. He has sandy blonde hair and that stereotypical 'surfer' look. 

He nods at us in acknowledgement but doesn't say anything. Um, okay then.

I glance around the crowded hall awkwardly, searching for a way out. Spotting my mum at a table, drinking and talking to a few of my aunts, my mood lightens.

"It was nice seeing you both," I smile apologetically at Hannah when her eyes widen. "I'll see you guys in a bit, I'm just gonna go talk to my mum." 

Casey's almond eyes roll but she acts nice, "Of course! I'll have to go find Ellie. I haven't had a chance to say hi to her yet. Wanna come, Hannah?" She smiles so widely that it looks painful to keep up. Hannah shuffles on her feet for a moment before mumbling a 'why not'.

After hugging them both, I start making my way over to the table closest to the door when my phone vibrates in my clutch. Stopping in my tracks, my brows pull together in confusion. Who's texting me? Everyone I know is here

I tuck a curl behind my ear and pull out my phone. As soon as I read the message that's illuminating my - now blushing - face, nerves bubble up my throat. 

It's from Ollie who I had almost forgotten about.

[Sent at 20:34]
Hey! Where are you? I realised I don't know what you actually look like apart from you being brunette and having blue eyes 😂 I feel awkward af rn 

Poor dude. He won't know anyone here, no wonder he feels awkward. I try looking around to see if I can spot but then I realise the same as him; I have no idea what he looks like.

[Sent at 20:35]
Shit, sorry! We probably should have added each other on Facebook first or something haha 😅😂 I'm wearing a red sequin dress! I'll head over to the food table and meet you there! 😋

[Sent at 20:36]
Probably 😅 alright, I'll try and find where that is 😂

I close my eyes for a moment and breathe; in, out, in, out.

Okay, to the food table I go!



Also, sorry for the 48 hour break! I wasn't feeling too well! I explained it better on my profile but 💁

How are you all?

- Chloe x

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