Chapter 6

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Shouting. That's all Peter could hear as his eyes were blinded with darkness. The voices sounding cloudy and dim, as if they were at the other end of a long tunnel. Waves of pain and dizziness hit his fuzzy head as he tried to focus on the far away sounds.

Suddenly a soft white light appeared in his vision, becoming larger and more engulfing as the voices became less muffled and clearer.

"What are we going to do with him?" A voice quizzed, whispering harshly. "That's Spider-Man for gods sake, if he's here who knows what could follow!" Another voice came into focus as dark shadows of silhouettes moves before him, their defining features still blurred.

"I don't know alright!" The second voice shouted, annoyed. "I don't want the whole Avengers down in Beacon Hills, who knows what that would uncover." He huffed, his deep voice sounding more mature than the first. "Oh shit he's waking up."

Peter stirred slightly as his eyes began to focus, landing on two unfamiliar figures before him. One with dark raven hair and bright green eyes, scowling at the man next to him, who stood arrogantly in a v-neck, his lightly tanned skin adding to his already cocky persona.

"Well well well, what do we have here?" The arrogant man cooed as Peter lifted his banging head, only to discover that he was tied to a chair, still wearing his suit but his mask was nowhere to be found. One thought rang alarm bells through his mind, causing him to gulp anxiously. They knew who he was.

"Who are you?" Peter winced as he attempted to shuffle in his seat, the binding ropes digging into his skin. The man in the v-neck laughed, his arrogant smirk showing off a set of blinding white teeth.

"That's for us to know and you to never find out." The man retorted sassily as the raven haired man huffed in annoyance.

"Really Peter?" The raven haired man raised an eyebrow at his uncle's antics. "Is all this really necessary?" The man in the v-neck who Peter realised shared his name let his mouth gape open theatrically.

"Derek! How could you?" The older Peter gasped mockingly. "You just revealed our secret identity!" The raven haired man who Peter guessed was Derek rolled his eyes.

"What does it matter?" Derek asked walking over to a corner of the living room, leaning against the wall lazily. "All we have to do is wait for Scott and the others to get back. It's really not that hard." Derek spat harshly as he narrowed his eyes at his uncle, who took the hint and shut up, stretching himself out on the sofa.

Peter tugged against the ropes binding him once more, tired of the elder men's bickering. After a few more tries he gave up, leaning back in the chair with a huff.

"You've made a mistake you know." Peter looked up at the two men, with a serious expression. "I'm not the threat here. I was sent by S.H.I.E.L.D to investigate this town and obviously you guys had a threat that you couldn't handle by yourselves." Peter watched pleased as the two men looked down at the floor knowingly.

"But why would S.H.I.E.L.D send an Avenger here? Why wouldn't they just send one of their agents?" The older Peter quizzed from his position on the sofa. The teen rolled his eyes, frustrated.

"I don't know!" He retorted back, his voice raising. "I've been asking myself the same question this entire time! Why would they want me, an untrained teenager, to do all this spy stuff? It just doesn't make any sense." Peter deflated, his chocolate brown eyes heavy.

Derek looked at the boy with a guilty expression. He didn't deserve this, superhero or not, the horrors of Beacon Hills should stay in Beacon Hills. Suddenly a knock on the door broke him from his thoughts. The Hale stood up, walking over to open it, his eyes widening as his gaze fell on those on the other side.

Sheriff Stilinski walked into the living room, closely followed by Deaton and a man in a suit that the Hale didn't recognise. Scott and Lydia followed closely behind, the strawberry blonde closing the door behind them as they all stood facing the boy tied to a chair.

"Scott what's going on?" Derek asked, watching in confusion as Peter glared at the man in the suit, clearly knowing who he was. The true alpha opened his mouth to answer but was cut off by shouts of annoyance coming from their captive.

"Coulson get me out of here now!" Peter barked, pulling at the ropes harshly as his face turned red in anger. The agent walked over causally, pulling a pocket knife out of his jacket and slicing the ropes in one swift practised motion.

"Hey!" Derek growled at the man, watching the interaction shocked. "What do you think you're doing? Who even are you? What the hell is going on?" Derek questioned whipping his head around the room filled with even more oblivious faces.

"Yeah." Peter said as he brushed himself off causally, turning to face Phil with raised eyebrows. "What the hell is going on?" Coulson looked to the veterinarian who had said nothing until now, giving him the silent go ahead.

Deaton uncrossed his arms from his chest as he took a deep breath, readying himself for what was to come.

"Well I'm sure all of you have encountered Stiles by this point." Deaton began, as all eyes in the room turned to him expectantly. "Now before you say anything, he isn't possessed as such, not after hearing all the Sheriff has told me about his recent behaviour." The veterinarian looked to Noah as his eyes fell the floor sadly.

"I believe what is affecting Stiles is more an internal battle for dominance. The darkness that was left over from the Nogitsune was battling for control of the light." Deaton explained as Derek furrowed his brows.

"Was?" The Hale spoke up, confused. "What do you mean was?" He quizzed as Deaton sighed.

"I believe that something that happened recently, perhaps the neglect he had been receiving from the pack, or something more violent..." Deaton looked at Scott as the true alpha shifted guiltily, "...triggered the dark to take over completely." 

"So what does that mean? How do we get him back?" Lydia piped up, her strawberry blonde hair cascading down her back in long bouncy curls. Deaton looked to Phil, unsure.

"We need to find a way for the light to take control again, but it is a task that is far too demanding for my level of power." The veterinarian admitted. "We need to find someone stronger, and more gifted in the mystical arts." Coulson's eyes widened in a realisation that didn't go unnoticed from the supernatural in the room.

"Mr Coulson?" Peter asked, waking slowly over to him. "What is it? What do you know?" Phil pulled out his phone and began dialling before he looked to his brother in law.

"I may know a guy."


Hey, I'm so sorry for the long wait. life has been absolutely hectic with work and I've barely found time to write, but here it is. I know it's not much but I'll try and get more scenes in the next one, I promise.

I'm really sorry it's been so long.... but I hope you're still enjoying this book! Have a good Easter holidays xx

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