Chapter 11

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"Hey Stiles!"

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"Hey Stiles!"

Stiles turned around as he was walking down the corridor to the training room for his daily session with Natasha. A confused look dawned on his face as he spotted his uncle walking towards him, an unexpected sight as he wasn't supposed to see the man until the coming weekend.

"Uncle Phil?"

Stiles questioned, confused, as the agent finally caught up to him in a huff. "What are you doing here? I've got training in ten minutes." Stiles gestured behind him as Coulson placed his hand on his nephew's shoulder with a soft smile.

"I'm sorry Stiles, I won't keep you for long." Phil motioned for the teen to walk with him. "I'm afraid the situation back at Beacon Hills has escalated again, and your father had to end his visit short." The agent informed him as Stiles looked down, trying to mask his disappointment. "He wanted to say goodbye, but he didn't get the chance as he had to get back there as quickly as possible." Stiles met his gaze worried.

"How bad is it?" The teen asked, scared for his father. Phil gave him a sad look.

"Nothing for you to be concerned about, that's all."

The agents vague reply frustrated the teen. He was nearly eighteen. Nearly an adult. He was being trained to be a weapon, a soldier and yet they still couldn't tell him anything about what was happening in his own case. He was tired of being treated as a child. Tired of being told it's being handled, or don't worry about it. He was sick of it.

"Well enjoy your session with Agent Romanov." Coulson brought Stiles out of his thoughts as he realised they had reached the training room. "Apologise for me, I know she doesn't like to be kept waiting."

Phil gave the teen a warm smile that was returned with a stiff one. Coulson watched trying to cover up his alarm as his nephew walked into the training room, with only a glance to his uncle. He had spotted, only for a second, Stiles' eyes flicker black.

And that only confirmed his fears.


After the confrontation with his uncle Stiles was left in a foul mood that had a negative effect on his session with Natasha. The agent noticed, of course, and questioned the teen on it but was only met with a shrug in reply, blaming it on the premature departure of the Sheriff.

After the session ended with little progress made, Natasha asked Stiles to walk with her to the main compound. On any other day the teen would have been ecstatic to be going to the meeting quarters of the Avengers, but it seemed today nothing could really lift the damper on his mood.

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