Chapter 22

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As it was once said, the world will end where it began

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As it was once said, the world will end where it began. On holy soil and testament, where the souls were once saved many will be lost. Sacrificed in the final war.

The four horsemen of the apocalypse. War, Conquest, Famine and Death. All played a role in bringing the end, in some small way. But what the books never told, what the scriptures always missed out. Was that the end was not always inevitable.

If a horseman can be turned. If they can be swayed away from their destiny. The power that had been building up since the trigger of a sacrifice on an ancient tree in California, a power that has the potential for destruction could also have the potential to change fate itself.

A whisky eyed teen had been carrying this power. Letting it build inside him until it was set free at an abandoned warehouse in Illinois. The horseman of Death is the most powerful and most deadly of the four and he is now at his full potential.

A war is looming. Two armies are preparing to fight. One full of humans turned monsters under the influence of War, aided by Conquest. The other of heroes, soldiers of the earth. The mighty Avengers.

The fighting had begun. But one thing holds the key to the success of either side, whether the war will be won or lost by the deluded horsemen. And that is of a boy. A boy with special powers. A boy who considered himself insignificant, unimportant. But in actual fact holds the fate of the earth in his hands.

And his name is Mieczyslaw Stilinski.


"Kid get down!"

Steve Rogers shouted across the battlefield as a flaming boulder flew directly at Peter Parker. The teen ducked as he looked at the Captain with wide eyes as the rock crumbled into ash where he just stood.

"Thanks." Peter breathed, still in shock. Steve gave the teen a small nod through his blue helmet before running off, throwing his red white and blue shield with immense force, straight into an opponent's head, knocking him right off his horse.

"Wow." The teen gawked at him. In awe of Steve's ability to take the situation in his stride. They were at war. Something Peter had never even thought he would come close to experiencing. And yet here he was, in his battle gear. Fighting to save the world.


Peter's head flew up to see Tony fly over him in his Ironman suit, blasting men left right and centre. Taking his cue, the teen sent a web shooting upwards, attaching itself to the billionaires suit and using him as a swing, jumping off into the mass of fighting further along the plain.

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