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"Hey Stiles!"

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"Hey Stiles!"

Peter Parker bounced towards his best friend with a large grin on his face, thrusting a cotton candy stick into the teen's unsuspecting hands.

"Heya Peter... what's this?" Stiles looked down as the stick in his hands with a raised eyebrow. Peter blushed sheepishly.

"Uh cotton candy?" He replied with a nervous grin. Stiles laughed heartily as his friend.

"No dumbass why is this in my hand?" Stiles watched with a small smile as Peter took a sigh of relief, his shoulders relaxing at his response.

"Well," Peter began turning the teen's shoulders around to face the tallest rollercoaster Stiles had ever set his eyes on. "Mr Stark said we could go anywhere after all this was over, and you said the most awesomest theme park ever. So I thought let's make it a whole experience."

"With cotton candy?" Stiles lifted up the stick with a smirk.

"With cotton candy." Peter replied smiling softly. Peter gently grabbed the teen's hand with a wicked grin. "Come on! Let's go, I wanna try the turbo 2000 before Mr Stark picks us up. I heard it has the most loop-the-loops in the whole of America."

The teen paused as he realised Stiles had fallen silent. He looked over at the teen to see his whisky eyes clouded in thought, his eyebrows furrowed with concern.

"Stiles? What's wrong?" Peter asked worried. "Did I do something wrong? Did I say something bad?" The young avenger looked hurt and upset at his friend, unsure of why he was acting this way. Stiles quickly looked up, blinking out of his daze.

"No, no nothing like that." The teen spoke quickly to reassure Peter. "It's just," Stiles' face turned solemn as he sighed. "I can't stop thinking about how Rowan and Sierra got away. Who knows what they could be up to right now? What if they've killed lots of people and it's all my fault? I let them get away." Peters face fell as his friend revealed his troubles.

"It's not your fault Stiles." Peter placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder. "I swear, Rowan was long gone the moment you arrived on the battlefield. There was nothing you could've done." The teen gave him a soft smile. "And for Sierra, you weren't even there when she broke out. Stiles you stopped the apocalypse, the freaking end of the world. Maybe you should try and focus on the good things you did, more than the things you couldn't help."

Stiles looked at his friend gratefully. A large admiration for what Peter had said began to warm his heart, reassure him that everything was going to be okay. Peter was the one that had always been there for him, had never betrayed him. Peter was the one who never gave up on Stiles, that saw the light in him when there was so much dark.

Peter with the chocolate brown eyes and mousy hair. With the cheesy grin that always lit up a room whenever he entered. Peter Parker the hero, who would do anything to save as many people as he could. The teen who had seen so much dark and yet was still filled with so much happiness and youth. Peter completed Stiles in every way. Stiles needed Peter and Peter needed Stiles.

With all these thoughts rushing through the teen's mind, Stiles was filled with overwhelming emotion. Without thinking the teen rushed forward kissing Peter gently on the cheek, his own cheeks blushing crimson in the process.

Stiles took a step back, watching Peter carefully. The chocolate eyed teen stood with wide doe eyes in shock, his friend's actions taking him by surprise. After a moment, Peter blinked watching as Stiles' face began to fall. His heart pounding the teen knew exactly what he wanted to do, he had known for a while now he just didn't know if Stiles felt the same.

Peter pulled Stiles close to him, sealing his touch with a firm kiss. Stiles, shocked at first began to relax into the kiss. A sense of euphoria filling his being as he was finally happy. Finally at peace again.

Stiles Stilinski loved Peter Parker. And Peter Parker loved him back.


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