eighteen | campouts and kisses

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Hermione was the only reason the tents were up.

Ron and Michael had tried putting them up for forty-five minutes without luck. Will, Bianca, and Hermione had stumbled upon them and, since Will and Bianca are hopeless at magic, Hermione had set it up.

"Thanks, 'mione," he's said. She'd turned bright red and turned away from him. Will had smiled and winked at Ron, which he found strange.

Another thirty minutes later everyone but Percy had gathered around the small fire that Michael got going. Harry and Ginny were snuggled up in a blanket that Hazel and Frank had brought along, Ginny's head rested on Harry's shoulder and her eyes were closed. Harry was roasting a marshmallow and laughing with the others, but he kept an arm secured around Ginny to make sure she didn't fall.

Ron knew that something had happened earlier that day, but he didn't push Ginny to tell him. She would when she wanted to, if she ever did. He also knew that Harry and Ginny were going to be together for a long time, so he was going to have to get used to his best mate dating his little sister. At least when they got married Harry wouldn't have any trouble adjusting to the family.

"Ronald." He didn't have to look up to know it was Hermione sitting next to him on the log, closer than she normally would. Ron kind of liked the feeling of her thigh against his. "You're going to burn it."

He turned his attention to the marshmallow he was roasting. "They're better burnt."

Hermione scrunched up her nose in disgust. "No, they're not. They're burnt."

Ron smiled at her. "How about this, you try this one?"

Hermione giggled nervously. "I don't think so."

Will was saying something to Harry, and they both looked over to Ron and Hermione. Harry tried to look away, like he wasn't staring at them, but Ron caught him.

Will signaled to him, and nudged Harry. Harry smiled and motioned to Ron to slide his arm over Hermione's shoulders. Ron figured he was as red as his hair at the moment, but he shook his head.

"Ron," Hermione whispered

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Your marshmallow is on fire."

Ron dropped the stick and the sweet into the fire. "I give up."

She smiled and got a new stick and marshmallow. "I've got this, don't worry."

He watched her focus on the fluffy sweet. Her hair was pulled back into a big, bushy ponytail, and her tan skin glowed in the firelight. Her eyes lit up as she watched the flames flicker. Her lips formed a small smile and she looked back at him, a light dust of humor over her features.

Ron wanted to kiss her. He really, really, did. But this was Hermione Granger, his-best-friend-nothing-more Hermione Granger. He flinched away from her a little, and scooted away. She looked puzzled, but that didn't make her eyes any less mesmerizing.

If she kept looking at him like that, Ron wasn't going to be responsible for what he did.

A hand clamped down on his shoulder. Ron jumped and looked up at a smiling Percy Jackson.

Will groaned across the campfire. Hermione giggled and sported a perfectly smoked marshmallow. Ron smiled at her.

Percy narrowed his eyes playfully at Will. "Not happy to see me, Solace?"

Will rolled his eyes at him. "What took you so long? You're late!"

"Sorry. Got caught up," Percy said.

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