twenty-four | cream puffs and celebrations

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Percy was very annoyed with Peeves.

He, Draco, and Blaise were just trying to get back to the dorm to drop all of their books off before heading outside. The poltergeist was making it very difficult.

"Peeves!" Blaise jumped and tried to snag one of the bags Peeves had grabbed. "I swear to-"

"Boys?" Zoe rounded the corner. When she saw what was going on, she laughed.

"Oh, yeah." Percy rolled his eyes. "Real helpful."

She laughed. "I'm sorry." She snorted. "Everyone knows not to use this corridor after third lesson!"

Draco threw his hands in the air. "Apparently not everyone!"

She laughed, then she snapped and Peeves looked down at her. Zoe raised her eyebrows. "Peeves, come on."

Peeve pouted. "Bags for lads?"

"The lad's bags please," she said.

Peeves dropped the bags. Percy picked his up as the poltergeist flew away, screaming and just causing mass chaos.

"How did you do that?" Percy asked Zoe.

She laughed. "Peeves and I became decent friends the year Umbridge took over. Pulling pranks and stuff, you know. Bianca, Michael and I teamed up and made her life very difficult."

"The chandelier?" Blaise asked. Zoe nodded.

"The fireworks?" Draco asked. Zoe laughed.

"The Weasley twins," she said, "but Michael and I helped them develop them, and Peeves helped them set it up, but all their idea."

Draco hummed. "Wish I was on Peeves' good side."

Blaise laughed. "Come on, let's get to the dorm."

The two boys started walking, and Percy turned around to Zoe. "Thank you!" He didn't just mean for the bags, but she wouldn't know that. 

The girl nodded, the stars in her hair glistening, and turned back the way she came. "See you guys at dinner!"

"See you!" Draco called.

When they made it to the dorm, there was a new bed, trunks, and bags. Percy stilled.

"What is that stuff?" Blaise asked.

Percy broke into a smile. "They're here."

"Who?" Blaise asked.

Draco whistled. "The other American students," he said like he didn't know they were other demigods. 

Percy wheeled on them. "Come on!"

The other boys hadn't even had time to drop their things when Percy grabbed them and started pulling them out the door. Both boys threw their stuff back (both missing their beds), and followed Percy.

"So we got a new dorm mate?" Blaise asked as they sped through the common room. "Who is it?"

Percy stopped running and slowed to a speed walk, because McGonagall would kill them for running through the halls again. "I'm not sure. I do know it's a good person, though."

"How do you not know?" Draco asked. He stumbled a little to keep up with the taller boys.

"Because we didn't know what house we were in before we came here. I know who's coming, but I have no idea who got Slytherin," Percy explained.

"But your girlfriend is here now?" Blaise asked. "Annie?"

"Annabeth," Percy corrected, "but, yeah, she's here now."

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