thirty-six | visions and piggy-back rides

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Ginny was sitting at Silena's feet, messing with the grass. The older girl was stroking her hair. "I'm sure he's fine," Silena assured her, "I bet him, Hermione, and Ron are just out doing what they do."

"But why wouldn't he tell me?" Ginny threw her hands in the air, grass flying. "We've been dating for months...and still, he just runs away with my brother and his girlfriend."

Silena frowned. She always had a knack for making others feel more comfortable, making relationships stick together. But this...Harry ran away from Ginny again. It was wrong for him to leave her here at school, all alone. She found it hard to make herself stand up for Harry Potter this time.

"I know it's wrong," Silena said, "but I'm sure he just wanted to keep you safe."

"He always says that," Ginny groaned. "I'm not fragile."

Silena's frown deepened. "I know."

"But he doesn't." Ginny stood. "Here comes Annabeth and Hazel. I haven't seen Percy all day either, so maybe he's with them. Perhaps Annabeth knows something." She called the blonde girl.

When Silena's eyes met with Annabeth, she saw a flash of a shorter, blonde girl, laughing and pulling Silena towards a beach. The younger girl turned to flash Silena a smile, and said, "They're here, on the edge of the water."

When the girl turned, Silena almost yelped. It was the same blonde girl that was looking in her eyes now.

"Who's there?" Past Silena asked.

"Percy and Beckendorf," younger Annabeth said. "They're talking about me."

Silena laughed. "By the beach?"

"They're practicing for the raid," Annabeth said, "and I came by to talk to Percy, but they were talking about me!"

Silena felt like she used to get pulled in by people to talk about these things a lot. Boy or girl problems were still her forte.

"Well," Silena was saying as the vision disappeared, "we all know he loves you..." The last thing she saw was Annabeth's eyes, staring at her with an embarrassed expression.

"Silena!" Ginny was shaking her.

"What?" Silena asked.

"Are you okay?" Hazel took her arm. "You're burning up!"

Silena met Annabeth's eyes again. They were still a startling grey, and they seemed to know what had just happened. "I'm fine," Silena promised.

"You zoned out," Ginny said, "are you sure you're good?"

"I'm good." Silena broke into a smile. "I'm going to find Charlie. You guys catch up, yeah?" She patted each girls shoulder, giving Ginny the chance to ask about Harry and Percy.

Silena walked across the green grass. With the upcoming springtime, the grounds were flourishing. She took a deep breath.

Why would she remember Annabeth and Percy from long ago? And at a beach...with Charlie...they'd only started dating last year, and never before gone to a beach.

She bumped into someone. "Oh, sorry!"

The person grabbed her before she could fall. "Oh, sorry, my fault," he said, "wasn't watching where I was going."

She looked up and smiled. "Ethan." She laughed. "Long time no see," she said.

He broke into a smile as well. "Hey, Sil, yeah, I've been pretty busy."

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