Chapter 9-Not Dead Yet

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"Hey, how do we know this is the right way?" Murphy demands after a few minutes of us all following Finn after everyone reunited as Clarke called out for them. "We don't. Spacewalker thinks he's a tracker." Bellamy answers earning an "It's called "cutting sign." Fourth-year earth skills. He's good." From Wells. "You want to keep it down or should I paint a target on your backs?" Finn questions, pausing for a second to glance at them, and takes a few more steps before stopping and reaching out to some leaves. As soon as his fingers touched them the thin branch falls, dangling by a small piece still connected to the rest of the small tree. I watch as he bends down and points to one of the rocks on the ground, showing some droplets of blood on them.

Clarke crouches down beside him, then, to examine the blood and from the corner of my eye I notice Bellamy lean closer to Wells, who was next to me, before he whispers to him "See? You're invisible." I look at them confused, to see that Wells has that look, I know all too well, whenever his chances with Clarke are threatened which causes me to feel bad for him. Before it's always been caused by a guy flirting with Clarke and it being unsuccessful, but with Finn, it seems to be working on her. Wells has loved her for years but she's never felt anything romantic towards him. She's always loved him as a friend or brother, like I have. Though right now she's still angry at him for what happened.

If I was in her shoes I'm sure I would be too. Her father got floated and she'll never see him again. I didn't have anyone to be angry at for killing my parents, my childhood friend, and his parents and taking my hearing. I mean, I could be angry at the Council for refusing to increase the medicine rations but that would be pointless, they didn't make the laws, know if the quarantine would work, or if it had already spread to other parts of the Ark. It wouldn't change the fact that I will never see them again, be able to hear without my processor, or was supposed to be the one to die not Jona. That I had gotten sick before he did but he was gone and I was here, living our dream of walking on Earth. That Jona made me promise that if he died I wouldn't and would still do everything that we planned.

My thoughts were cut off then by just barely hearing a weird moaning sound from off in the distance. "What the hell was that?" Murphy demands causing Clarke to stand up saying "Now would be a good time to take out that gun." Before her and Finn start jogging in the direction it came from, the rest of us close behind them.

The moaning gets louder as we go and stop at the edge of a clearing. I feel my eyes widen as we look at the tree in the middle of it to see a shirtless Jasper bound to it with his hands tied together around the branch above his head, his waist and thighs tied to the trunk behind him, blood and a weird blob on his exposed chest, and his head thrown back in pain as he moaned. He was hurt, but alive.

"Jasper. Oh my God." Clarke says then snapping me out of staring at him as I quickly follow after her as she starts walking towards him, the others on our heels. "Wait. Be careful." Finn says quickly causing Clarke to pause saying "We don't have time to wait." but I disregard him as I go faster. "What the hell is this?" I hear Bellamy ask just behind me before I feel the ground beneath me crumble, causing a shocked, but small, cry to escape from my mouth spotting the sharp spikes ready to skewer me beneath me. A hand grabs my hand before I can fall to my death causing my body to hit the wall of the pit hard before dangling over the large spikes and causing my hand to grab theirs.

Looking up, my eyes meet Bellamy's dark brown ones, which betrayed no emotion, and I believe he's going to drop me, and I'm going to fall to my death, as he glances at my wristband and I feel myself start to slip from his hold. Even though I didn't want to die, I couldn't keep holding him and drag him down with me, I couldn't do that to Octavia after she accepted me. But when I started to let go of his hand it tightened its hold on mine and he grabs my arm with his other hand, his eyes turning wild with many emotions as his jaw clenched, just before Clarke cries out "Cooper! Get her up!" having noticed the situation. He may want my wristband off be he wasn't going to let me fall. Neither were the others as within seconds, they were all calling "Pull her up!" as they all raced over and helped him pull me up and out.

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