Chapter 12-Two Can Play This Game

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"Why can't I go out anymore? Shouldn't I get checked at medical? I don't have that flu right? It's just another cold?" I ask causing me to cough as my mother takes the now warm pack off my head and replaces it with another that was cold. "Yes, it is just a cold but you now have a fever. We don't want them assuming that you have it just because of a little fever. So you need to rest and get the fever down as I told you before." She tells me, the movement of her mouth visible from behind the white mask she was wearing. The mask that everyone within Arrow station now had to wear, because of the flu that was going around.

There's a knock at the door then so my mother gets up and opens it. "Jonathan, I'm sorry but she still needs to rest." She says to who must be Jona at the door. Sure enough it is his voice as he responds "I know. That's why I brought this." My mother sighs heavily then as she says "Fine. But only for a little bit." Before stepping aside revealing Jona, the large white mask covering most of his face leaving only his bright blue eyes and mop of brown hair and a worn and dirty book in his hands.

He quickly makes his way over saying "Scoot over." As I sit up. I do so until there was enough room for his thin form to sit next to me asking "What book have you brought today?" "Your favorite." He responds sitting next to me and showing me the dark red cover with the words 'The Scorpio Races' imbedded into it. "Thought you said you were tired of it Jona." I laugh, earning a coughing fit, so Jona nudges my shoulder saying "I said I was tired of hearing it not reading it. Besides it's almost your birthday and you're sick, Coopie." "Hardy-har-har." I state causing him to copy me before he opens the book and starts reading "It is the first day of November and so, today, someone will die."

That's when there's another knock at the door. But this time it is many, quick, and doesn't stop. My mother quickly goes over and opens it. "They're doing health checks." Jona's mother's voice sounds immediately causing my mother to quickly step aside and the long haired brunette to come in, rushing to the table. "I'll hide the packs." My mother says after she shuts the door and quickly starts gathering the cold packs. "Quickly, Cooper, John. Just as we practiced." Jona's mother orders as she removes the panel from the floor. We quickly get up from the bed and I quickly go over to the hole in the floor, which our fathers had made when I first got sick, as he goes to the door. I squeeze myself into it as there is the sound of the door shutting and am quickly shut into darkness. I can hear the sound of the table being moved back over the spot before there's the loud banging and yelled "Quickly! Open up!"

-End Dream-

That's when I jolt awake. My hair falls in my face as I sit up and breathe deeply while looking at my hands, trying to calm myself. I wonder how Octavia was still sane after dealing with that for years. I had hated it in that cramped darkness, trying not to cough, as the sound of feet above me sounded in my ears along with whatever lie they would tell them about my whereabouts and I only dealt with it a few weeks...the weeks until that fever made me too weak to move and they were forced to reveal my sickness. I can only remember bits and pieces of what happened after that and before I woke up in the medical bay, within my new world of silence. Jona getting sick...Jona and I making that promise...our father's voices arguing...the light of a flashlight in my eyes as a faint voice says "She's still alive."

Once I've calmed myself down, I run a hand through my hair and look around the dropship to discover I was alone with Jasper and Monty. Breathing a sigh of relief that I didn't have to talk to Clarke or Wells about it...again...I turn and grab my jacket I had been using as a pillow before sliding it back on. It had been awhile since I've had that dream and something told me it was because of Murphy. I have had such strange thoughts lately and now I wanted to find out why...find out exactly why the violent boy wasn't violent with me.

Standing up then I glance at Monty, to see he was still focused on whatever he was doing with his back turned to me. Taking a deep breath I then head to and down the ladder. I take a deep breath again before I step towards the doorway but pause, my fingers just brushing the parachute covering it, yet again. Could I really do it? Could I really confront the boy? Did I want to talk it over with someone before I did something so drastic?

Shaking my head and clutching my hands into fists in determination I push the parachute out of the way, walk off the ramp, and look around for Murphy. I soon spot him, his back facing me, as he stood in front of his little posse, probably talking to them as most of the rest of the delinquents were working on building the wall or collecting the materials for the wall. I start to walk towards him but all the determination I had disappeared the second he turned around. Quickly turning my eyes away I turn around and end up walking straight into someone's chest. The force of which almost sends me to the ground but I'm steadied by hands grabbing my shoulders.

I look up and come face to face with a smirking Bellamy looking down at me. I frown as I step back out of his grip but sign a quick "Sorry and thanks." out of habit. "What're you doing Butterfly? Looking for me?" He asks the smirk never leaving his face so I roll my eyes and turn to walk away. However before I could he grabs my right hand and pulls me toward him causing me to place my free hand on his chest to stop myself from falling and quickly take it away while glaring up at him. "Just take this off and I'm all yours." He says then while bringing my right hand up and kissing it, just above the metal wristband. Annoyed I flip him off before ripping my hand away. He just smirks at me, his eyes shining in amusement, as I let it drop back to my side.

I turn to walk away, again, but then get an idea, two could play at this game, and pause while looking down at our feet. I slowly look up at him and I can tell he's interested in what I'm now doing as his head is tilted to the side slightly, the smirk still on his face and the amusement still in his eyes. I turn back towards him and look back down before stepping forward so our bodies were almost touching and looking up, ignoring the fact that I could feel heat raising to my cheeks. His smirk was now gone, his eyes searching my face for a clue of what I was doing. I swallow as I slowly look him up and down, already regretting my decision to do this but couldn't back out now. Not until I got to him like he got to me and I would have to go further if I was to do that.

"Would you really be mine?" I whisper which causes his eyebrows to shoot up as his eyes become surprised. Slowly I lift my arms and put them around his neck, making sure to have my hands brush against his skin as I do. I slowly stand up on my toes, causing him to stiffen. I stop when I can feel his breath on my skin. His eyes change to an indescribable look as my eyes meet his, causing my own breath to hitch. I swallow before letting go of him and whispering "I'd die before I let that happen."

With that I turn and walk back to the dropship, internally freaking out about what I had just done.

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