Chapter 12

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" How can I correct my mistakes? Hazel" Her watery eyes locked in mine, desperately.

The silence warned my mouth not to continue. The pain carried her eyes with inaudible tears. Her face was pale and melancholic. The air was contagious with her depression. I wanted to hold her and tell her that I was there for her but I didn't want to add more fire to her pain. I felt uncomfortable in my own skin. Watching her cry was the worst thing ever. I felt responsible, I was the reason why she was so hurt. I was the man she was crying over but yet, I didn't know what to do or how to solve my mistakes.

When you're a real man, it's hard to watch someone so important to you shedding tears without doing anything.

The temperature of her sadness was cold and selfish. Her cheeks were begging her tears to stop showering them. Her perfect nose was red as fresh blood. I didn't know how to stop her pain from spreading all over, I ordered my temper not to crash my own self. She was hurting me by hurting her own self. Hazel was killing me slowly and I was blaming my heart for being so naive and blind.

My heart was devastated.

It really bothered me to see Hazel in this bad state. It killed me insanely.

"There's nothing you can do." Her broken voice arrested my mind with an impossible situation. "I won't fall for your meaningless actions. I just want you to leave me alone and carry on with your life." Her words were loud and clear.

"I'm tired, Hazel." I kissed her hand. "I'm tired of arguing with you. I just want us to be okay. I want to get to know you. Your favorite food, movie, color, animal. I'm really trying here, Haz. Please, give me a chance to show you how important you are to me." She chuckled, amusingly.

"Now I'm Haz?" Her petty laugh crashed in. "I'm still Hazel. I don't know about you." She made it clear.

It was a relief seeing a smile on her face.

Hazel, you're so damn beautiful.

"I love when you laugh, Hazel." I started. "Do you know how gorgeous you are? My heart kept skipping beats every time I'm examining your beauty." I sat on her bed as I caressed her face gently while she was laying down. "Any guy would die to see you smile. So please, stop hiding your sexy dimples away. It's a crime."

She blushed as a smile played on her gorgeous face.

"Sure it is." She smiled.

"And for you not to let my lips taste yours is first-degree murder." I teased. "If you don't let me, I would have to commit second-degree murder by eating them, purposely." My words refreshed her mind with a minty desire.

"Are you really doing this right now?" Her laugh perished my body with strong desire. "You know why I can't let..."

"Shhh..." I placed my index on her lips as I advanced on her and made her personal space my own. "I don't want to commit second-degree murder, Hazel. Can't you just kiss me and stop making my lips wait?" I whispered as I fanned her face with my minty breath.

I wanted to be a criminal. Hazel's lips were in danger.

"You're...too...close..." She broke down her words as she tried to convince herself that I was a bad teaser when she knew that her lips were ready to betray her thoughts, positively.

"Not close enough." I wrapped my hand behind her ear as I pulled her against me all the way. "Are you going to deny that you're dying to kiss me too or do I have to find out myself?" I collected my dirty thoughts one by one as I tried to exercise them in my head.

The things I want to do to you. Hazel. The things I want to do to your sexy body. You have no idea. You have no idea how I'm craving you, dangerously.

You infected me, Hazel. You were my disease, I didn't have a cure.

"If you kiss me, I'll start screaming." She replied, dryly.

You better start now, Hazel. I'm ready.

Scream, sweetheart.

"I don't mind." My nose caressed hers as I leaned in closer. "Scream as loud as you want." I brushed my lips against hers as I dominated them, hungrily. My bottom lip squeezed her upper lip in between as she craved for my saliva. I didn't even catch a glimpse of her face, so urgent and hungry, my tongue was diving in a holy sea.

Turning. Side to side. Rewind. Back and forth. Her lips were enjoying mine, lovingly. My lips were dehydrated, Hazel's lips were here to save them. Her tongue was in my mouth, swirling with mine, passionately.
I bit her upper lip as she let out a little moan between her thirsty throat.

Thirsty? She was thirsty!

I was the unholy, contagious water.

She pulled her lips away and gently stroked my upper lip with her thumb. "Come here," I whispered, cravingly. Her lips tasted like jolly. The flavor of her saliva was like sweet paradise. Her lips were like Hell in heaven. They were dangerous and evil but yet, impossible to resist.

She was a good kisser. I was craving her lips more and more.

Fire! fire! fire! Her lips were burning me with desire.

I choked her neck with my warm tongue as her suave skin agreed to the sensation she was fighting against. Her legs spread around me as her sexual movements tormented my penis, addictingly. Her heavy breathing fanned my neck with so much passion and affection. She pulled my neck with her tongue as she sucked on it with a vampire mind.

Hazel Brown was definitely a vampire. The way she was kissing my neck was abnormal.

Horny? I was horny!

I placed her gently on the bed as she pulled my head towards her to cover me with her pink lips. Her long black hair spread all over her white pillow. It was so attractive. The way she caressed my neck with her gentle touch was my biggest temptation. She was definitely God's first angel. I flipped her around me. She was on top of me.

She grabbed me by the shirt as she swirled her tongue inside my mouth. Her lips were no longer hers. They were mine. My lips were definitely in custody, on the other hand. Hazel was in charge. As soon as she took off her red dress and untied her bra. I lost it.

My heart was beating so fast. Her boobs were magical diamonds. They were shining and perfect. I placed both of my hands on each of them as I sucked on both of them, one by one. She flew her fingers through my hair as I drove her crazy with my hot tongue.

Damn! I was a newborn baby all over again. Craving for a little bit of fresh milk.

I placed her on her back as I licked the center of her flat stomach all the way down to her underwear. I pulled down her blue underwear with my teeth as her big flower spread in between.

She was dripping wet. So wet, that It was turning me on, dangerously.

I curved my head between her legs as I licked the wetness from her vagina, tastefully. It tasted clean and I was addicted to the flavor. As soon as I was about to start with the clitoris. Her heart jumped by the voice that was outside her bedroom. Someone was calling her name.

Someone was there.

Hazel's Father. Mr.Dean.

"Hazel?" Mr. Dean knocked. "Open the door. You have a visitor."

There I was, trapped in Hazel's bedroom while her father was knocking at her door.

What the worst that could happen??

Where was Hazel's underwear? I had no clue.

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