Chapter 16

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Worst poison of love.

Hazel's pale face murdered my temper all the way. I was begging her mind not to think about Max. I was jealous of her thoughts, I wanted to be the only one on her mind. When I heard Max's name, I was pissed. I wanted her mouth to start moving and tell me details about what happened between them last night.
My eyes were judging her reaction dangerously. I wanted answers.

Jealous? Beyond that.

I was dying inside with jealousy. Hazel was driving me insane and I didn't know how to control myself anymore. I didn't know what to do with Hazel anymore. I didn't know if her answer did matter anymore. I was happy that she said yes to me but I was angry at the fact that she told me about Max.

Her ex-boyfriend.

Dirty and negative thoughts were ravaging my mind with a felony of anger. What happened between them? Did they have sex? Did they kiss each other? Who made the first step? Was that imbecile touching and caressing my Hazel's skin?
Do you know that feeling when you're so jealous and you feel like kidnapping the person even if you know it's wrong? At that moment, I wanted Hazel to be under my control but my feelings for her were too strong. I just didn't have the courage to hurt the girl of my dreams.

I wouldn't like anyone to lay a finger on my baby, Hazel.


"Can you calm down, please?" Hazel begged as tears greeted her eyes, urgently. "I did see Max last night but..."

"Please, tell-me-this-imbecile-didn't-touch-you!" I broke down my words, angrily. "Hazel." I finished as her name was more like poison in my tongue.

"I can guarantee you that nothing happened last night. I was with him, yes but I didn't do anything with him." She caressed my face gently. "I promise."

"Did he try to kiss you?" I asked, impatiently. Begging my bad thoughts to stop torturing my head. "Did he or did he not?" My tone was firm and aggravated.

She sighed.

"Yes," She finally replied. "Yes, he did try." Her sentence missed a negative clue.

"What did you do?" I yelled. "Did you kiss him? Did he kiss you?" My questions burned my energy all of a sudden. "Answer my questions, Hazel."

"We didn't do anything, Hawk." Her face played a melody of honesty. "I swear, nothing happened." Her voice caressed my ears gently as she kissed me on the lips, unexpectedly.

I gave in.

"You're mine, Hazel," I whispered in her ears as I crashed her in with a desperate hug. "I believe you, Waffle. I believe you, Love." I assured her. "I just don't want you near that imbecile. It drives me crazy. Promise me that you won't try to see him again."

"I promise." I caressed her hair. "I'm all yours and I'm not going back to him." She promised, with no regrets in her eyes.

"Now." A smile played on my face. "Where were we?" My question flashed her mind with a decent desire. "I'm glad you enjoyed my breakfast, first of all." I dragged her on the bed as I continued with my flirtations. "Second of all, why do you look so gorgeous when you're sleeping?"

We both laughed.

"Thank you." Her blush sacrificed her cheeks with good terms. "Hawk?"

"Yes, Waffle." I teased her. "What is it, my love?" My affection towards her was powerful and exemplary.

"Why me? Her question was made with insecurities all over. "Why did you choose me as your girlfriend?"

Hazel, look at you.

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