Chapter 39

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First quarter moon- Hulions rise.

What happened last night?

Why can't I remember anything else?

The morning sun burned my skin with heavy fire. My lazy eyes introduced themselves to the world once again. I wasn't inside my house. I woke up in the middle of the street, unconscious. I didn't really remember what happened. A few hours ago, I was chasing Hazel, she was the only person who was there when I turned into something else. A Hulion. It felt different. It was different.

Last night, I felt powerful but dangerous. I never felt like this before. A strange feeling overwhelmed me. I wanted to destroy humans, I wanted to burn them alive. It felt more like revenge under my skin. I lost my human sight but I wasn't blind. I had a lion vision. I saw things differently, it felt like I was in another cold world. Hazel was right in front of me and I didn't want to hurt her. I automatically knew that she was pregnant. It was weird. I didn't want to hurt a pregnant woman. Maybe history was true.

Lions love children.

I was the last Hulion alive and yet, I was dangerous to the human world.

As I entered the house, broken pieces of glass invited my eyes to notice them on the floor. Did I do that? Was Hazel okay? My mind kept blocking memories of last night. I was getting worse. I was dangerous and I knew that I was turning into something evil. I didn't have a choice, I didn't know how to stop it.

I climbed the stairs rapidly as I headed straight to the bedroom. The door was locked but Hazel was inside. She was crying loudly on the bed. I wonder, did she sleep last night or was she crying all night? Did she come out and eat breakfast? I was worried and stressed.
I kept knocking continuously but she didn't want to open it for me. Her broken tone gave her away. She was definitely scared of me. She didn't want me to get close to her. I was a monster in her angel eyes. She didn't want me to contaminate her with my disease.

"Go away!" She yelled through the door, annoyingly. "Please, just stay away from me!" Her voice broke down in the middle of her full sentence. "Leave me alone!"

"Just open the door, Hazel," I begged, gently. "Let's talk about it." I knocked, impatiently.

"There's nothing to talk about." She replied, urgently. "Just leave me alone and bring me back to Max. I don't want to stay here with a beast." Her sentence explained how she felt at that moment. "Call Max."

"I'm going to break this door!" I gave her a warning. "If you don't let me in."

She ignored me.

I wanted to leave her alone but I had to make sure that she wasn't trying to kill the baby inside her. I listened to my instincts. I pushed the door with a strong force as it opened unexpectedly. Hazel jumped from her bed and tried to walk away from me as soon as possible with a knife in her hand. Her bags were packed. Her makeup was on point, she was ready to leave the house.

"Stay away from me or I swear I'll dig this knife inside my stomach." She threatened the baby inside her. She was two weeks pregnant but she didn't care. She was trying to steal my happiness away from me. She knew how I felt about our child. "Leave!" She yelled and pointed the edge of the knife on her stomach.

"Okay, okay, fine." I forced myself to agree with her. "I'll leave but put this knife down. I'm begging you." I tried to convince her. "I'm not going to hurt you, I promise."

"Stay where you are..." She ordered. "Don't take another step. I want you to leave." She sighed, desperately. "Now!"

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" I asked, calmly. "I'm sorry but I promise I'm not dangerous and I'll never hurt you or our baby." My words were unsure and selfish. I was dangerous.

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