Chapter 61

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Jack was still breathing.

Thank God.

His eyes suddenly opened. I'm fine, he said, I'll be okay. Jack wasn't himself. He was fighting for dear life. I wanted to hold him, I wanted to tell him that the prophecy wasn't real and that he was going to be just fine but he was going to disagree with my thoughts, heavily.

Without saying a word, he opened his bedroom door and locked it behind him. Something was wrong with him, he was hiding something. I wanted to talk to him about it, I wanted him to share his fears with me but he was so scared of the future that he was trying to avoid reality. I didn't want him to die, No. I wanted us to keep fighting this unknown, cruel, selfish world together.

Death is like a dangerous melody you don't want to hear but the notes are so high and powerful. Your ears are too weak to fight them through.

As the hours flew by quickly, the sun made its entrance, like always. It was already morning, the blue sky was on its own, the clouds were far away from home. I was a lonely bird, my white wings were useless. I was stuck between a black tunnel and a bright light end.

I never thought my life without Hazel was going to be that difficult.

"Hawk?" A sudden knock interrupted me. "Are you awake?" Jack asked as he entered the room.

"I am," I said, dryly. "Are you okay, brother?" My questions disturbed him in so many ways. "What happened last night? What was that about?"

"Hawk," Jack sat on the edge of the bed as he started with his speech. " Being Hulion is not always easy. There are consequences, there are rules that you have to follow, there are dark secrets that you might not say out loud. We're not perfect, we're dangerous and as bad as we want to be humans, we are not. We are part humans but that doesn't mean that we are. We might look like them but that doesn't mean that we are them. We don't think as they do. Our days are numbered. We don't have a future." He paused as he corrected his words. "I don't have a future."

Jack took a deep breath as tears started to emerge his whole face.

"I don't believe in this lame prophecy," I spoke the truth. "I believe that one day, we're going to fight the world together."

"Do you want to know a story?" Jack asked, confidently. "My story."

"I've known you my whole life. I know everything about you, Jack Walter." I chuckled, jokingly. "What are you talking about?"

"As I said, a few minutes ago," He swallowed his saliva, slowly. "There are some dark secrets you can't say out loud."

"Why not?" I asked, vaguely.

"One thing you didn't know about being Hulion. Some secrets take away your power little by little and then kill you at the end. I'll tell you everything. You have to know every single thing about me, about Hulions and how dangerous it can be."

"Go ahead."

"In a few days, I'll leave the human universe..." His tone was sharp and sincere. "But before I do, I want to make sure that you're strong enough to survive on your own."

"I am strong."

"Hawk, you are not." The negativity flew in his tone. "Hazel is your weakness and you need to stay away from her for a little while. She can be a threat to your future. She's human, after all." He groaned. "I want you to think about your destiny. I keep telling you that the prophecy is real but you're being insensitive."

"I miss her."

Jack shook his head.

He burst out laughing. "This is exactly what I'm talking about." He said, jokingly. "You don't care about your life or your mental health. This girl is driving you crazy."

"She is..." I agreed with his sentence. "Hazel can be a pain in the ass sometimes but It's hard to live without her." I bit my lip as good memories burned my thoughts with heavy pain. "I won't tell her I'm lonely because it may be selfish. I won't tell her I miss her, Jack." I squeezed my teeth, sadly. "I refuse to call her to hear her beautiful, sweet voice. Nah. My pride won't let me do that."

"Call her if you miss her."

I want to, Jack. I want to but at the same time, I'm scared.

"No, Jack," I said, dryly. "She doesn't care about me anymore. I'm dying inside and she doesn't even care." I swallowed my saliva as I tried not to let my emotions get the best of me.

"Why are you trying to hold back your tears, Hawk." Jack noticed. "Men have feelings too, you know. Society judges a man by his tears," He chuckled. "A sign of weakness, they say but little do they know, a man's heart is not made of rock or silver. We can feel just like everyone else. We can also break our own hearts by loving the wrong people. We're not always the bad guys."

His words encouraged me.

"Maybe I think too much..." My voice weakened. "Maybe I love too hard..." Hot tears flowed upon my face slightly as I tried to wipe them away as quickly as possible. "Jack, I feel like there's a hole in my heart and I'm trying to fill it in but my love for her is too strong. I'm trying to fight it away but she's on my mind and I can't get her out."

Why the hell am I falling for this girl over and over again?

What the hell is wrong with my selfish heart? Why is it not letting me forget this woman?

Dear heart, I know you don't enjoy the pain but why do I feel like every single beat inside me is screaming her name, continuously.

"Hawk..." Jack interrupted my thoughts. "You're in love... There's nothing wrong with that."

"This is more than love, Jack," I said under my breath as I tried to hold back myself as a man. "I think I'm going to end up hurting myself even more if I don't fight it away."

I'm sick of your love, Hazel. There must be a remedy somewhere beneath Romeo and Juliet's tombs.

Romeo? I've tasted your famous poison. Why the hell am I still alive?

I've been poisoned... Hazel Brown poisoned me with her selfish lips, her way of making love to my body.

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