Chapter 38

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Why is the sky blue?

Some people might say the sky is blue because it's blue but little did they know, that's a wrong answer. Blue is a dangerous color. It can bring good and bad luck. Happiness and Sadness.Life and Death. How many times do you look at the sky and start to contemplate a beautiful day and yet, you're receiving bad news before sunrise? How many times do you receive a good morning text from someone you love and in the back of your mind, you're starting to wonder 'Why is he so happy? Did she cheat on me? Why didn't he call me instead? Is she getting tired of hearing my voice? People always think and assume. It goes both ways.

Your insecurities are your weaknesses.

Where am I going with this? Why am I talking about the sky when I'm supposed to talk about Hazel Brown? Well, that's where she comes in.

Hazel is like the sky. She has her seasons. She can introduce the sun and invite the rain on purpose to destroy the mood of your plans. She can beg her eyes to stop spreading tears and blame her laugh for being so selfish. She can make you fall in love and destroy your heart with heavy sweats. Hazel was like the sun without its heat. The rain without water.

Hazel was the nightmare of a perfect dream.

"Hawk? It's me."Jack yelled through the front door. "Are you okay, man?"I opened the door and didn't say a single word to him. I was literally broken inside. I didn't feel like explaining myself to him. He did warn me. I didn't want to listen. It was my fault after all. "Why did you call and tell me that it was an emergency?"

"It is," I sat on the couch, my elbows were resting on my knees. My fingers interlinked as my unsmiling face destroyed eye contact with Jack. "I want her out of this house." My brows agreed with me. "Right now!" I ordered, firmly.

"Wait, what?" Jack replied, confusingly. "What happened? What did she do this time?" His questions caught my full attention. "Where is she?"

"I left the bedroom a few hours ago. I don't know if she's awake or sleeping." My words contained fresh anger. "She needs to leave the house, Jack. I don't want anything to do with her or that baby." My sincere tone refreshed his mind.

"Hawk," He paused as he tried to convince me to change my mind. "Are you sure about your decision? We're talking about Hazel. She was --"

"My Hazel is dead." I reminded him of her forgotten memories. "I don't know that woman upstairs." I shook my head, side to side with a desperate mindset. "I'm done fighting for her, man. I'm done." My broken voice entertained pure darkness.

"Hazel doesn't remember anything, Hawk." He sighed. "You need to be more patient and learn how to communicate with her. She needs you, man."

"Jack," I exclaimed, calmly. "I tried my best to make her happy. I tried my best to be nice to her but it's like she doesn't even care. She doesn't want me to care. She's pushing me away with her actions, her dirty words, her selfish heart." I decided to talk at last. "She wasted her last chance. She tore up my father's picture right in front of my face. She didn't even apologize to me. She thanked me with an evil laugh. How can I be with someone who doesn't care about my feelings? How can I, Jack? How can I rest in peace beside her when she can murder me in my own sleep?"

Jack was shocked by the news. He didn't know about the picture. Her reaction gave him away. He wasn't happy to hear about her selfish action.

"I'm so sorry, man." He gave me a friendly punch to the arm. "Do you want me to talk to her?" He offered, nicely. "I can try."

"No, Jack." I refused, rapidly. "I want you to take her and bring her back to Max. I'm tired of her childish games." I was being serious and I was ready to make her disappear in my life.

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