1.Fresh Start

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     The sun comes streaming in my window and makes me squint as the bright light settles on my face. I didn't sleep very well last night so I guess there goes my hopes of a bright eyed, dewy faced appearance today. I spent most of the night tossing and turning, being taunted by visions of him. Today is the day that I start my new school, Silver Valley Senior High and it looks like any hope of starting off bright eyed and bushy-tailed are out the window. I just want to get keep my head down and get through the school year without anymore issues. I hope and pray my past stays in my past. The last thing I want is for people here to know about what caused me to leave my old school. 

     My parents thought that it would be best for me to transfer schools, so they put our house on the market and we hopped from suburbia to our new home in good ol' Glendale. They say this move was all a plan to "get a fresh start" as they like to say, but really, they just want to protect the reputation of their precious Caldwell name. "Sorry mom and dad, everyone at my old school knows all about your daughter. The infamous Sadie Caldwell".

     I think they thought that the small-town thing would be good for me, maybe I wouldn't be able to find any trouble here since there's nothing much to do aside from barn parties and cow tipping, whatever that is. The biggest store that is even in this town is the Walmart, which from what I can tell turns into a high school hang out on weekends. This is a huge change from the kind of parties the kids at my old school threw. Parties can get a little wild when there are so many kids with unlimited cash flow and basically no parental supervision.  I was never much into that scene, except for a few parties here and there. 

     I can hear my mom downstairs grumbling about how I'm going to be late for my first day and already make a bad impression. I finally throw my feet out of bed. May as well get this day started. After I shower I dry my hair with a towel and run some product through it scrunching my curls. I  throw on my black skinny jeans, black tank and attempt to put a little makeup on so I can avoid the wrath of my mom. When I get downstairs she is buzzing around the kitchen trying to get her coffee made so she can get on her way to work. She is dressed to the nines with her power suit, perfectly styled hair and makeup. She looks like she could have just walked out of a magazine. She looks over at me and scans my outfit and hair choice for the day and I can already feel my energy with her draining. I reach over on the counter to grab a bagel and pop it in the toaster.

      "Sadie, It's the first day at a new school. You don't think you could have put maybe a little bit more effort into your appearance today honey? And what is with all of that eyeliner, Don't you want to make any new friends?" Wow, I think that might actually be a record for her. She waited a whole 2 minutes to start in on me this time.

      My relationship with my mom has been strained to say the least ever since my parents found out. We live in the same house but ignore each other for the most part and barely tolerate one another when we do have to interact. My mom is the typical suburban businesswoman that you would imagine. Her and my father were hot shot attorneys before we moved, and both had to take a significant pay cut when they left their firm. Lucky for me, they blame me for this and the change to our lifestyle. Apparently, a 2,000 sq. ft. house is considered "cramped and tiny" for their liking. I scoff at my mom and head to the door to pick up my jacket as I head out the door.

     One good thing about this whole situation is that at least my parents never took away my car. This is probably because that would have been more of a punishment to them because they'd have to drive me everywhere. The only thing I can think of that would be worse than starting this new school is having to ride the bus every day. I hop in the car, roll down my windows and turn up my music. Twenty One Pilots comes floating through the air and it is just what I need to be able to relax a little before I make it to school.

      I take the long drive passing all the corn fields and little farm houses, then I pass by this towns sad excuse for a Main Street with nothing but a cinema, a few antique stores and boutiques and 2 restaurants. I turn onto Camden Street and the school comes into view. I pull my car into a parking spot behind one of the many trucks at the back and gather my stuff up to head inside. The buses are dumping out and everyone seems to be hanging in the front common area enjoying the sun and cool morning breeze.

      I make it half way to the front door of the school and I can feel all eyes on me. I get the feeling that everyone is trying to size up the new girl. I am just here to make it through the day and be on my way. I only have one more year of high school and then "Adios" parents and "Hello" college. I can do this. How much worse can Silver Valley Senior High be than my last school?

Hey Everyone!

I am new at this so I would really appreciate any comments you may have. I have some really exciting things planned for this story and I can't wait to see how they unfold!


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