3. First Day Part II

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     The rest of the morning goes essentially the same. This school is so small that most of my other classes have people from my English class, so word has already made it around about my run in from first period. I've heard people whispering about it in the hallway and in the bathroom. People whispering about me isn't an unfamiliar feeling so I'm already over this school and it's not even lunch time yet. I would skip out on the rest of the day if I didn't think my mother would flip. I don't feel like having to go at it with her tonight, this day is exhausting enough. From what little bits of the gossip I have gotten, the girl that I snapped at in class this morning is Brooklyn Hayes-head cheerleader, class president and actually has been dating the quarterback since they were basically in diapers. I had to choke back a laugh on how right I was about that part. So basically, I just made enemies with the girl who rules Silver Valley High. There's no way this is going to end well!

     The bell finally rings at the end of 4th period letting me know that it is finally time for lunch. I go to the vending machine and grab a diet coke and then pocket the rest of the lunch money mom and dad gave me this morning. I start walking around to find somewhere to sit and out of fear of getting the wrath of Brooklyn every table seems to be "full". I finally head outside determined to just go find a bench to sit at and enjoy the sunshine.

      I'm walking along when I hear someone at one of the benches start to say something. "Hey, that was pretty cool what you said to Brooklyn this morning. I've known her since elementary school and I don't think anyone has ever had the guts to say anything like that to Miss Perfect." It's the earbud guy from class this morning. He's sitting alone at one of the benches over by the oak trees and he's smoking a cigarette. He has his book bag laid out on the table and I can see his iPhone with the music lit up, it looks like he just pushed pause.

      I find myself wondering what he is listening to. He doesn't look like the other guys here he has dark blonde hair that sticks up a little and he has facial hair not like the other clean-shaven guys I've seen here. He's wearing jeans and a Guns' n Roses T-shirt, a style that I can certainly relate to. The thing that strikes me the most about him is blue grey eyes that are enough to take your breath away. I've known eyes like these before and they are trouble. I catch myself staring at him and can just make out him saying "Its Sadie, right? I'm Landon."

     "Yeah, sorry. You're in my English class. Sorry, you just said that. Ugh, what are you listening to?" I can't help myself, something is telling me to keep this conversation going. He hits play and X Ambassadors comes through the little speaker. They are one of my favorite bands, so we start talking about music. We talk for what feels like forever about the types of music we like, dislike, and surprisingly have a lot in common when it comes to music. Of course, I feel like I could go on all day about music, but he swears I need to hear this new song he came across. Just as he finds it in his playlist, the bell rings ending lunch. 

     He goes to start gathering his things and gets up to leave. Just as he starts to walk away he turns around, "Rain check for tomorrow? We could eat lunch back out here?" I think about it for a second, glad that I finally have found someone here that seems to understand me, "Yeah, sure". I catch a half smirk as he turns to walk away, I gather my stuff and head to class. Time to finish out this day.

      5th period was math which is pretty easy for me so that flies by. Since Summit was a private school, I am ahead in a lot of the subjects here. That's why I chose to take so many AP classes. At least if I have to be stuck here for another year I can start getting some of my general classes out of the way for college. I can feel myself in the home stretch as I walk to the locker room for my last class of the day, gym. I go change and head out to the gym area where I see our class gathering by the bleachers.

      I take a seat on the bottom row as the rest of the class flows in. The bell rings and our teacher comes walking towards us. A lot of the girls in from my other classes sit along side me. There are a few faces that I haven't seen yet. The teacher starts going over what she wants us to do today. We are just going to be going out to the track and walking laps. We all let out a groan in unison, its hot outside and the last thing we want to do at the end of the day is get all sweaty. Just as we all stand to head outside, in walks Brooklyn. "Sorry Mrs. G, I got caught up in the ladies' room." "No problem Hun, we are just going to go walk some laps". I roll my eyes, hard. 

     We get outside and start walking. I'm hanging towards the back of the pack because there is no way I'm pushing myself that hard in this heat. A few of the other girls from my class are struggling so there are about 4 of us at the back. A few girls from my math class and 1 girl I haven't seen before. She's about the same age as me but she looks like she is probably about 6 months pregnant. I think she is probably the only pregnant girl this school has ever seen. The girls at the front are getting ready to lap us but I couldn't care less. That is until Brooklyn and her posse stroll right up to the pregnant girl and slows their pace. 

     I slow down a little, so I can see what is going on. Brooklyn's friends all have smug little grins on their face and are giggling among themselves. They are definitely up to something. Just then Brooklyn says to her "You know Claire you better not push yourself too hard, you may just cause that thing to come early. It's a pity you can't move faster though, so you could go chase after Jake since he left that mistake he made." Without even thinking I am stepping in between the two of them. 

     "Brooklyn, What the Hell is your problem!?!?! Is life really that boring that you have to pick on her?" "Wow Sadie, twice in one day. Didn't you learn your lesson this morning or is everyone talking about you not enough to warn you that you don't want to mess with me." "Listen Brooklyn, I think that you have one thing confused here. I'm the one you don't want to mess with." Suddenly, she throws herself on the ground and starts acting like I pushed her. "Quick someone go tell Mrs. G that this crazy person just pushed me."

      One of her friends goes running across the field and a few seconds later I hear a whistle blowing and "Miss Caldwell, I'm going to need you to go to the principal's office." It's the first day of school and I am already landing myself in the principal's office. Mom is just going to love this, so much for us not arguing tonight. 

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