5. Vivian Caldwell

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     I knew it was coming. There was no way I could be lucky enough to miss out on this conversation with my mom today. I'm sure the principal probably called her right after I left his office. Not only is she going to be mad at me for what happened with Brooklyn but also because she was interrupted at work. "Sadie what exactly where you thinking? How did you possibly get in this much trouble on your first day at school? We talked about this, we told you that after what happened at Summit you needed to make a real effort here. This is the school that you are stuck at for all of senior year whether you like it or not. You are getting a job, maybe that will keep you busy, so you can try to stay out of trouble."

     I can't believe we are still at this place, she won't admit it, but she is still upset that I am making her look bad. I think back to what happened today and I remember something that the principal said to me. "Did you even bother to find out what Brooklyn did? Do you even know why I was arguing with her or the little fact that she flat out lied about me pushing her? Huh mom, did you know that a whole group of girls at school saw her throw herself on the ground and pretend I pushed her? And you know what mom? Speaking of what happened at Summit, what exactly did you tell them?"

     She looks at me with a blank look on her face. Exactly, like I thought. She didn't even bother to get the other side of the story because the truth is, she doesn't care. She only cares that what happened today makes me look bad which in turn makes her look bad. "What are you talking about Sadie? I told them exactly what happened. What those kids said, what they did to our house." I am so angry now because I realize that I was right earlier, she still doesn't even know what REALLY happened.

      Before I can stop it a tear runs down my face, "Mom even after me telling you my side, you still really don't believe me do you. What is it going to take for you to take my side and protect me for once instead of worrying what it is going to do to your reputation?" Her eyes fall down to the counter and she starts fidgeting with her ring, "I don't know Sadie. I really just don't know what to believe." That's all I need to hear her say for me to lose the last shred of respect I had for her. 

     Maybe if she would tried to talk to me about it then I could have explained things. I could have told her about the lies that he made up about me. She was so quick to believe everything that people were saying about me. I think that is the part that hurt the worst is knowing that the people in my life that are genetically conditioned to love and protect me, didn't even care to find out if the rumors were true or not before just uprooting our life and moving away. I can say if this ever happened to my child, I would be ready to put up a fight to clear her reputation instead of forcing her to run away to spare my own reputation.


     I'm not sure what time it is but it is dark now. I have been in my room for what seems like hours. After my conversation with my mom I felt the need to escape and as usual, my music is just what I needed. I put my headphones in and just laid on my bed feeling every word of the lyrics playing in my ears. I cried for a while until I hit the point after all this time that I think I have finally run out of tears to waste on that woman. She will never understand me, and she obviously will never believe me, so I decide that I don't want or need her.

     I get up and walk into my bathroom, grabbing a washcloth out of the linen closet. I look in the mirror and look a mess, mascara and eyeliner running down my face. I wash my face, adjust my hair and decide I need to get some fresh air. We haven't been in this town for very long but, so I don't really know of many places to go. I get in my car and just start driving, before I know it I am parking along Main Street. 

     I figure I can walk along the shops and enjoy the evening air. One nice thing about this being such a small town is that even on Main Street, it is so quiet. I walk slowly looking in at the shops as I walk by. Most of the stuff looks like it belongs in someone's grandma's house. Mom did say that I need to get a job and I guess one of these stores is the least likely place for me to run into someone from school. I pick a store with a help wanted sign and walk in.

      I go up to the counter and ring the little bell there. Out of the back comes none other than Landon. "I think you are starting to make a habit of this Sadie. I don't know if I should be flattered or look into a restraining order" he says with a chuckle. "Wait, do you like work here?" I say, thoroughly surprised because this looks like the last place I would expect him to be. "Yeah, believe it or not, my Nana owns this place." 

     I fight the urge to laugh at the fact that all of this stuff literally does belong to a grandma. I try to think over whether this is a good idea or not but so far Landon is the only person from this town that I really get along with at this point. We actually enjoy talking and I would almost consider him a friend. Maybe he would be willing to help me out. "Any chance you could put in a good word for me with the owner? Mom says after my little visit to the principal's office that I have to get a job. I mean as long as that doesn't violate the rules of the restraining order." 

     I can tell he is thinking about this, but he eventually responds, "I'll see what I can do. When could you start?" Well considering I have nothing else to do besides detention and trying to avoid my house I guess right away. "Honestly, I could start as early as tomorrow." His expression changes just slightly, I can't tell but he looks a little excited. "OK why don't you head over here after school. Say around 5:00 and I'll show you the ropes." "Thanks, so much Landon! I'll see you tomorrow." I turn to walk out the door and can't help this goofy grin that spreads across my face. 

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