Chapter 2

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~Natalie's POV~

4 Months later. 

Things between Me and Mac seemed to get better. we were becoming close again, almost like nothing ever happened. Emphasis on 'almost'. It just seems that life is not on my side because as soon as things get good the quickly get bad again. For example Today, I was knocking on Mac's door because his blinds were closed which was weird they were always open. I must have continuously knocking but getting no answer so I assumed.. "Assumed" that Mac had already left early and forgot to tell me about it, yet I didn't seem him at all around college. Not in the Library, Not in the Labs. 

It was so weird, It was almost like he had disappeared. With absolute no trace of him. I decided to do the next best thing I called him. I got no answer so I left a voice mail. 

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#1 "Hey Mac-ie It's Me Iz. I didn't see you around College today and you didn't answer the door, I guess I just wanted to check in with you making sure your okay" and then hung up. I called again that night and the same thing happened, straight to voicemail. 

Here we go again I thought to myself. #2 "Mac It's Me again. Please call me back, or text me or something. I'm worried about you, your my best friend and you just left me. Huh where is my goodbye or anything." tears streamed down my face and you could tell in my voice I was crying.

throughout the next couple of weeks these are all Mac got.

#3 "Hey It's me, I know your never going to pick up but I just want something such as I'm alive or I miss you, I just want my best friend back." 

#4 "Me again. I miss you, so much. No one knows what happened to you or where you went and it hurts. I want to know something anything. Even if its the smallest piece of information."

#5 "My Mother died yesterday, Dad is taking it hard. I need my best friend but it doesn't seem like he's around anymore. If you started another life I hope your happy. That it was worth it."

#6 "They shipped me off to my granddad's. He's the only one I have left by blood. Once he's gone that's it I go to care unless there's someone else. But there's not. I'm alone." 

#7 "I was adopted Today. It's still hard but life's no better. I miss you but I'm slowly letting you go, It's going to be okay."

#8 "I don't know what happened to you, weather your alive or dead. I'm really hoping your alive and okay but who knows, It's been too long but much love Mac"

#9 "This is going to be the last voicemail you ever get from me. I'm going to be really busy studying and following my dreams, Maybe even enlist who knows. The future is left to be untold. But what ever your doing, Who ever your with, I hope they make you happy, I hope your safe. I hope you are doing everything you ever dreamed. Goodbye Buddy. I Love you, Your my Best friend. Always and Forever." 

After Months and weeks of hard work I had finally done it, I managed to get into the Army. I had enlisted but the only people who knew were John, Steve and Mary. They are the only people who I had to tell. See I don't do one specific thing, I'm doing things like defusing bombs to fixing broken vehicles so a little of this and a little of that. 

But when enlisting there is always something about each tour you do that makes it stick out like a sore thumb. Each tour could either make you or break you, I had a little of both. But my latest one that was a rough tour maybe even my worst. My T.O. (Training Officer) was killed by a bomb that she must have missed, specifically THE ghost's bomb. Once she entered that building I didn't quite know exactly what had happened because the comm's had a lot of static which personally set me off and as I was running for the building the bomb went off. Not only did it kill my T.O. it also killed an innocents life, a child no older than 5 maybe 6. 

They were both carried away on stretchers towards the base, and when I returned from the field I felt like it was my duty to tell her family. I walked up to their door and knocked. I asked to see her husband but as soon as he saw me he knew what I was going to say. It didn't make it any better but I offered my condolences because she wasn't just my T.O. she was also a best friend to me.

After my 4 tours that I served I thought it be best to go back home, not to Mission city, No that hadn't been my home for a long time but Hawaii, plus John had died which really effected us all. Mary decided drugs would be best just to take then edge off and I get it I mean think about it. This is the 4th parent figure I have lost. Doesn't make it hurt less but drugs, that's not like her. I saw Steve and went straight into his arms, this must have hit him the hardest I get Mary was hurting but Steve and his dad were really close.

The suck-ish part of all of this is we both found out while serving in the field. He was in Iran and I was in Afghanistan. I did remember to call Riley and let her know I got here safe because honestly that girl worries way to much for her own good. "Hey Riles, I Just got back home but I should hopefully be in LA in 2 weeks, can't wait to see you. Much Love Girley." and with that my phone was switched off as the service begun.

I saw Steve, he was alone. "Hey Bud, Sorry about your dad" I said with sincerity on my voice giving him another hug in the process. I loved John and was thankful for everything he did for me, words can't even begin to explain how thankful I am towards him. I was in Hawaii after my parents died because granddad lived out here, but after he died I had no where, so I went to my spot on the beach when John approached my crying figure and took me in and later adopted me. 


Hope you enjoy the chapter guys


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