Chapter 6

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~Natalie's POV~

Lately I decided if I put myself to good use. Here in Hawaii I'm not needed as much but out in the world I am. With that said I was being sent into a deep cover op and Catherine was the lead on this. It was all well a good but I just had to break the news to the rest of the team before I flew out to LA to see Jack and Riley before leaving.

I knew Steve would be okay with it but he would worry I mean my track record isn't great I mean night terrors. Anyway the rest of the team wouldn't have a problem it was just working up the courage to tell them. "Hey Guys, I have an announcement" I say getting everyone's attention. We had just had another successful day with the latest case and I thought now would a better time than any to tell them. 

I got a cores of 'sup' or 'go for it' so I did. "Uh well, I have Enlisted again. I'm flying out to LA Tonight to see Jack and Riley before my deep cover op. I am going to be safe and ill be in Afghanistan in 3 days." I said awaiting their reactions but it was all good because I was eloped into a group hug.

Later that night we all piled into Kono's car and drove to the air port. I wouldn't land in LA till tomorrow Morning a little after 10 am. Steve knew it was with Catherine so he didn't worry more than he should of. If anything it calmed him. We agreed I would call back home every chance I got. 

I got to LA safely and went to Jack's apartment putting my go bag by the door before making my way over to the phone and calling him. I waited for the ringing to stop and heard "Yes?" from Jack "Hey Jacky boy. Could you come and pick me up from your house and take me to the Phoenix. Don't worry Matty is in the all clear" I said to Jack hearing a quick on my way. 

I only had to wait for 10 mins before Jack came running through his front door looking all over for me only to see me on the sofa patiently waiting for him "Ready to go Jack." I asked. And with that we left for the Think Tank. When we got there we went to the War Room where Matty was awaiting my arrival. I asked Jack to go find Riley before me and Matty started to talk. She walked over to the glass frosting it before I informed her of my new assignment. After explaining Riley and Jack walked through the door and Matilda left. 

"Hey guy's I know you must be confused as to why I'm here but I need you two to sit down." I said and they sat before I continued any further. "I'm only here for a couple of days before I go on a deep cover op. I enlisted and am going to be gone for quite some time. I couldn't leave without saying goodbye or even seeing you because that's not me and we all know it." I said giving them a little laugh. We sat and talked it all through but I couldn't go into too much detail or anything that could compromise me while out in the field.

I made a promise that I would be back that this was not the last they would see of me and that I would be back before they even knew it. Just as we were finishing Mac walked in with Matty and Bozer. I told them I would see them later and excused myself for interrupting. Just as I was leaving Matty asked me to join them on this one. It was just going to a Local Café and gathering Intel. That it wouldn't take more than a hour so I agreed. After that Me Riley and Jack all went back to his apartment enjoying the time we had before I had to leave. 

~6 Month's Later~ 

This Mission is really rough, probably the toughest one I've had yet. I had to be a gang member, a little bit like the mafia but guns for hire kind. This was by far my worst assignment but some good news that came with it was that I was getting a partner. Ex- Delta Force which instantly made me think of Jack but it wasn't. Instead it was one of his old buddies Sid. They wanted me to utilize my "Skills" in bombs and chemicals which was not my kind of thing. Essentially they wanted me to make bomb bullets but enough so that they would be able to take down an entire army which I was not happy about but I couldn't blow my cover. 

I was informed I need to stay another 7 months which sucked cause I was already 7 months into this assignment and couldn't be more ready to go home. Rollins and Sid got here and we started getting ready on making our plan and how the next 7 months would be while we were all here. Catherine informed me of the situation back home as best as she could. Steve had only gone and got himself shot again which really didn't surprise me but he was fine now.

I called everyone back home as we had an hour to kill before being sent out I called Steve and Face called Riley and Jack. Once we had all caught up we headed out an got ready to finally and hopefully put this at bay. Once and for all. I knew heading out that I could trust Sid with my life because we both knew Jack and Jack would not wanting anything to happen to either of us. And through out the whole duration of this mission me and Sid had actually become quite close. We had 2 day's left until we went home which was good but for me nothing goes my way and I'm sort of tired of this. I asked Sid to give Jack a message. And with that my disappearance was in full swing.


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