Chapter 7

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~Jack's POV~

Ever since we got back from Hawaii Mac just hasn't been the same. Every time I ask him he just brushes me off or says he's okay but something is chewing away and the big brain of his and I'm determined to find out what it is. Ever chance I get I go back to Hawaii to see Steve and the gang. That was till we had another case to solve with them, and for Bozer, Cage and Leanna it was a little weird because although Me, Riley, Steve and the rest of Five-0 knew where Nat was the other's didn't. We had to pretend that we didn't know where Nat was in order to keep her safe.

But as soon as the mission was over we were all on a plane back home and to say I wasn't worried about Natalie was an understatement of the year, I just hoped where ever she was that she was okay because we need her back in one piece. We finished debriefing when we got back to Phoenix and went back to Mac's house for drinks and laughs. We had some easy cases after that which was good, we had a nice break got lots of rest and then we were saving the world again.

We were in the War Room waiting for Matty when I got a phone call "Hello Dalton speaking" I said not knowing what to expect "Hey Jack, Has Alie been to LA by any chance" A worried Steve asked "Uh one sec.. Riles has Talie been to see you lately" I asked facing her with a serious look while Steve patiently waited for an answer on the other end of the line. "No not since we had our first of many with the team" she replied "Nah man, she hasn't why what's wrong" I replied to Steve.

"Well it's just she was suppose to get back yesterday and i thought she might of stopped off at LA to say Hi to you and Riley before coming back here." He answered now a little bit of panic in his voice. "But her handler is here asking to see her and well it makes me kind of worried if she isn't in LA and she isn't in Hawaii where is she?" he continued "I'm not sure man but I can get Riley to check airport security cam's and see if she has been here or anywhere else in LA over the last couple of days and I'll keep an eye out for her if that helps" I said, trying my best to reassure Steve.

"Her handler has confirmed her MIA (Missing in action)" Steve was sounding more and more distressed and the constant bad news probably wasn't much help "Dude, are you sure I mean this is Nat we are talking about, She wouldn't just go missing I mean not unless she had a really good reason right?" I said trying to assure the both of us, By this time I had already walked out of the War Room and paced outside. "No Jack, She always comes home straight after, we made this promise before she left that as soon as she had finished that she would come straight home, But I need to ask you something Jack" Steve said hastily almost like he didn't want to ask.

"Yeah bud, what do you need" I ask because if it involves Nat i'm in no matter what "I'm needed here in Hawaii but do you think you could do some digging?" He asked "Of course bud, wouldn't have any other do it. If anyone's gonna get to the bottom of this it will be me" I assured him. I would of done it even if he didn't call and ask. "I'll start on that right away and get back to you asap" I said. We said our goodbyes and I walked into the War room just to get called back out by Matty and a surprise visitor.

"Jack a minute outside" I walked outside and see someone else with her, said person turned out to be Sid. "Hey buddy, what you doing here?" I asked sort of concerned for one of the boy's "Well I was informed that a friend of yours hadn't made it back home, When we met it was under an alias for obvious reasons but she asked me to find you and give you a message 'Don't let him see my file, Don't do anything stupid because you still have to look after Riles. Don't let Steve get his panties is a twist. Seals don't play nice when threatened urah. I love you Uncle Jack.' and that was all. No one has heard from her in days and no one knows where she is not even her handler." He said but it still didn't make any sense. "Did she happen to say anything else?" I asked, trying to puzzle it all together. "Uh now I come to think of it she wrote something down and threw it away I thought it would be important." he said handing me the paper and there in her writing it said You'll hear from me again all in due time but Jack thank you, I'll always be your Princess but while Craigslist is out there I can't.

This is when I panicked and Matty seemed to pick up on it. DAMN THORNTON I thought as I smashed the glass next to me watching it shatter into little pieces. "Thanks brother, I'll be in touch but for now I gotta go get my princess back." I said walking away to the war room wanting this mission over and done with asap. As soon as the mission was over I asked Jill for Nat's latest mission everything redacted or not because I hated the thought of her being in danger as soon as I saw her latest mission I stormed into the War room without a care and showed Matty the file asking for a couple of weeks maybe months off because this girl needed to be home and now. Matty agreed and with that I rounded up some old buds and Steve and we were off and on our way to get our girl back.

I had contacted my closest friend I knew and asked her for her help, luckily she agreed and said she was going to meet us there. We arrived and Desi met us there and we were on our way. If im being completely honest im hoping it wouldn't take more than a couple of weeks to find her because she knew I would come looking for her regardless.

The next time I got information from Nat it was co-ordinates which we followed. It led to an old bar and didn't look like much. Give the girl some credit we went on a treasure hunt to find this girl and safe to say if she doesn't want to be found she won't. We must have been looking for a good few months but then Me and everyone finally found her and we were all very much relieved and so was she when she found out who craigslist was and why they would want her.

That reminded me, When I got back me and Thornton where going to have some very impolite words regarding why she went after my princess. We got to LA and everyone was waiting for us. Even Mac and he didn't look all to pleased but I know why. Because Mac couldn't help himself and either found the file I got from Jill about Nat or he got Riley to. Which would not make Natalie any more happy with him after we talked.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter.


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