Chapter 3

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~Mac's POV~

"We are never talking about Cairo to anyone ever" I hear Jack shout over the ricochet of bullets in our direction. "Mac come on do something" he screamed "Anything" he continued. So with that I got right to work, mixing chemicals and made some bottled bombs in a sense. 

After dealing with that hectic spur of baddies I set off a bomb that i had prepared specifically for all of their precious cargo that they oh so desperately wanted to hide, and set it alight. We ran and the creates started to blow up all the cargo. The drugs, the money, guns and even some small explosives and just like that all cargo was gone. The only thing to be heard was the building collapsing behind us. "Let's get to ex-fill and get home" I said tuning away from Jack and making my way towards the car hearing Jack agree.  

We had gotten on the Phoenix Jet and all I could think bout was how guilty I had felt, now this isn't a spur of the moment feeling no. This feeling had been building up ever since I left, even more so when I got all those Voice mails. Thinking back to when I went back to see her thinking she might still be there but to my avail she was gone, London apparently and there was nothing more I could do, Who's to say shes even still there, I mean she could of moved.

Jack could clearly see something was wrong because he was waving his hand in my face like the mad man he is, trying to get my attention for who knows how long. "Yeah" I said coming out of my daze "What's wrong" Jack asked giving a stern 'don't lie to me' look.

"I'm just thinking if i'm being honest" I replied feeling deflated, debating on weather I wanted to discuss this. "about Natalie?" Jack ask's his curiosity clearly getting the best off him "Yeah" I sighed. "What even happened? I mean why has to got you so hung up?" he questioned not really understanding the situation. So I told him the story from the very beginning. 

"Because Jack, Me and my family we left in the middle of the night for mum's job, Then she died. Dad left. I was shipped off to my granddad's house. I left for the army but every night I would get a voicemail from Nat begging and pleading for me to come back. I loved her then and I love her now but I left her but still miss her. She calls me and occasionally will text me but I never respond and I hate it. In one of the Voicemails I got she cried because she thought I was dead. She calls and texts because it help her cope with me being 'gone' and I hate that I can't do anything without putting her at more risk. But a couple of months ago it all stopped and that worries me more than anything. Every day I worry for her and her safety But can't act or she will be in danger, because we all know what Murdoc is like and It's a risk I'm not willing to take." I finish with silent tears running down my face. 

Jack was quiet for an hour before asking to hear the voicemails, I let him listen to the voicemails because I know I can trust Jack with my life so him listening to this isn't really that much bigger than saving each others lives. (Okay maybe it's a little different but po-tato pota-to. Once he had heard all 9 voicemails he asked "Why didn't you contact her back, I mean it's clearly effected her and who knows." "I tried Jack, that 2 day vacation I took was to go back to Mission city to see if she was still there, I was told she went to Britain and I haven't heard anything since then" I sighed. 

"What's her name and I don't mean first name I mean full name." He asked curiously. which intrigued me. "Isabella Natalie Nash but she doesn't like her first name so she goes by Natalie" I stated feeling very proud of myself. Realization hit Jack and I don't really know why. "Uh everything okay there Jack" I asked noticing the slight change in his facial expression but before I could get an answer he walked off the plane and to his car before heading to what I assume was his home. 

Little did I know he went to the Phoenix Foundation.

~Jack's POV~ 

The whole plane ride I knew who he was talking about Steve's Little adopted sister, how could I have not seen it sooner I mean the voice and the way he talks and describes her. I told McGarrett all of this but also told him to keep it on the DL because at the moment with Murdoc it was for the best. I didn't want that little girl to be put in danger. I mean I have known that girl since me and Steve have been friends and she is sort of like a niece to me considering how close me and Steve actually are. 

~Time Skip 6 Months~

~Mac's POV~

In the last 6 months I had managed to get myself Kidnapped by Murdoc (That sociopath) how charming and then passed out. I had a temporary case of amnesia but the doctors said that should go away within a few weeks and a week after that things could be a little hazy for me so I was to take it slow and not push myself. Me and Boz went back to our house where we met Jack, Matty, Riley and Cage. We were one big happy family. 

Currently speaking I am okay, I'm better then I was then so there's nothing to really worry about. Jack was going to Hawaii for a week to go see an old friend so we were just sat around the fire having a couple of drinks before he went home as he was leaving early in the morning to catch his flight.

We have a new case to start and we decided to put it on hold till Friday as Riley had a friend in town and she was leaving Thursday afternoon. All we knew was that it was important but could wait a few days. When Friday finally rolled around we all met up in the War Room, all accept Jack which was strange.

~Riley's POV~

It was really good getting to spend some quality time with Talie but I found out a lot of information and spoke to jack about it because of course I have a picture of me and the team and Talie recognized two of them. which threw me off guard completely and of course it was the two who are constantly getting into trouble. She knew Mac and told me the story about how they were best friends and if that was an old picture or a new one and I had to lie to her which I hate doing. 

At first I was seriously confused because it was just a picture of Me, Matty, Boz, Mac and Jack. After she explained about knowing Mac it made sense but what didn't make sense was how she knew Jack. So I asked her, she explained that he was like an uncle to her because her brother and him were friends. By brother I knew she meant Steve. 

I got to the War Room the next morning and no one was there, so i decided to call Jack and tell him about what I had found out. He seemed kind of shocked as to how I knew Talie but he told me about Mac's situation or as much as he could. But it was at this time that Mac walked in while I was halfway through explaining 

"It was so strange though because she saw the picture and I had to lie to her, she told me everything that happened and I just sort of felt bad but heads up she's on her way back to Hawaii so warn Steve and if you see her tell her not to worry okay. I can't have her thinking that I hate her. Also tell her I will make it up to her when we next see each other. We will get the girlies together and go to the nearest bar and just get smashed. Obviously with you and Steve there to drive us home." I said chuckling.

"Weather we go to Hawaii or they come here we will have an amazing time and we could always crash at mine or yours but yeah" at this point Mac decided to give me a weird look. "Hey I've Got to go, Matty's gonna debrief us in a sec and I don't think she would appreciate me on the phone when she walks in" I laughed getting a snort from Jack as well. With that we hung up. 

Matty walked in and told us that we had a mission "For this mission Jack will be meeting you at the airport with 2 people from the Five-0 task force. You will be given more information on the matter when you get there. A plane is ready and waiting for you so get moving" she explained. "Riley could you stay behind for a second" everyone else left to get their go bags from the locker room while Matty informed me some more 

"When you get there you need to pretend to not Know Natalie. I know it's going to suck but we can't risk this op going sideways, with that being said after the op is done you and Jack will be staying in Hawaii for an extra week to catch up with your friends. I need you to make sure Natalie is okay as Jack informed me she knows Mac so I'm asking you to keep and eye out along side Jack." she said making herself very clear. 

With that I was gone and following the rest of the team to the airport. I gave Natalie a heads up and explained the situation. I then sent a text to Jack asking if he was aware of what Matty had done. I also told Nat we needed to talk asking if that night was okay and she agreed.


Hope you enjoy this chapter guys. I decided to change the plot a little bit but not by much, just figuring it would be more interesting. Let m know what you think.


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