Chapter 4

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~Natalie's POV~

I was pacing back and forth and I couldn't help it. Riley had told me about Mac and everything, she apologized for lying but informed me that I couldn't show we knew each other otherwise it could compromise her. I wasn't even sure if he would recognize me I mean I'm not the same girl he knew back in Mission city. I have had to change, and some not all that good. I just hope Steve and Danno don't mess up and do something stupid. 

I was at the office when I walked out I saw Chin on the phone to who I can only assume to be Steve. Chin then asked me to call Kono and ask her to come to HQ to meet the Phoenix people and she agreed saying she would be here in 5. with that I informed Chin and went to the shop to get a quick drink offering if Chin wanted anything on my way out. 

I had not seen Jack yet today and I really missed him as I got back yesterday night and they left early this morning. I was excited because I honestly missed him so much. I must have taken longer than I originally thought I would because when I got back everyone was there. Jack's back was faced towards me so I decided to get some revenge. 

I silently ran up towards him putting my finger to my lips showing not to say anything. I jumped on Jack's back making him stumble and fall to the floor "I thought you were suppose to be stronger I mean taking down all the bad guys unless your getting old" I said making everyone but Jack laugh. Instead he just slung me over his shoulder and started to tickle me. "NO JACK, This is so unfair. Kono, Chin, Big Brother come on someone help." I screamed through my laughter. 

Jack let me down and we gave each other a big hug. "I missed you Kiddo. It's really good to see you again. As for that cheeky comment I will let it slide but know next time won't be so easy" he said hugging the life out of me. "Yeah well when your uncle doesn't Visit you in what feels like years you tend to miss the Kiddo and the Cheeky remarks, you love them secretly." I laugh, turning my attention to everyone. "Uh Hey" I said. 

~Steve's POV~

Me, Danny and Jack all went to meet the rest of his team. Once we arrived at the airport 3 people stepped off the plane. 2 Males and a female. "Steve, Danny I want you to meet the rest of the Phoenix Foundation. This is Bozer- He works in the lab but is very well trained and skilled with prosthetic's. This is MacGyver but we call him Mac- He's the brains and very smart, little boy genius. And last but not least Riley- She's our Hacker, computer person and tech-y girl. Guys this is Steve McGarrett and Danny Williams 2 of the 5 members." Jack said 

After the introductions  we headed to the cars and made our way back to HQ, calling Chin on the way to make sure everyone was there and ready waiting for our arrival. He informed us that Alie had gone to the store to get a drink and wouldn't be too much longer behind us. We all got out of the cars and made our way inside meeting Kono and Chin at the table.

"Kono, Chin Meet the Phoenix team. Obviously we know Jack, but here we have Bozer, Riley and MacGyver but call him Mac" I said pointing out the team "Guys this is Kono and Chin" introducing them. It was at this point we saw Alie but we stayed quiet letting her sneak up on Jack, one we had that good laugh I hugged Alie, knowing today was going to be a hard one for her since this morning's events. 

"Alie meet the Phoenix team, You have Jack, Riley, Bozer and" only to be cut off "Mac" she said "Um yes" it was more of a question "Phoenix Team Meet Natalie my little sister." I continued. Once we were all caught up with each other I pulled Alie and Jack into my office. "We all know why we are here, How are you holding up" I asked not wanting to push her but we could both see that she was crumbling and that she wouldn't last much longer without breaking down. 

"Yeah i'm good" she played it off so we left it but kept a close eye on her. "I mean are you sure because It's Mac" I pushed gently not wanting to upset her but she broke. She could never keep her demeanor up with me and Jack. "Hey Darling, come here" Jack said and we both pulled her into a group hug, slightly messing about in hopes to make her smile. "Jack could you take her home quickly while we inform your team and then meet us at the Shrimp truck" I asked in a hush whisper he agreed and the both walked out. by that I mean Alie on his back while Jack kind of galloped out of the building giving everyone a good laugh. 

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