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"Normal Speech"

   "Yes, I can remove everything. But you aren't leaving here quite yet. You need to hear my offer first." Death smirked, and before Harry could ask what he meant by that, Death waved his hand and Harry felt a searing pain, worse then the crutio curse times 20, and he blacked out.

When he came too, he was back on the bed, but Death wasn't the only other... person? Entity? Death wasn't the only other one in the room.

There were now about 20 people in the room, most he didn't recognize, but 2 of the people to his left he automatically knew.

"Mum? Dad?" They smiled and rushed over to him, giving him a bone crushing hug, all of them in tears.

When he was finally released, he noticed 2 others he rcognized. "Padfoot! Moony!" He smiled as they hugged him as well, "It's us, pup." Sirius said while pulling away.

"You might want to take a look in the mirror, son, this is what you were supposed to look like if it wasn't for Dumble-bitch." James was elbowed in the ribs by Lily for that last remark, though everyone seemed to agree with him.

Death summoned a mirror beside the bed and Harry stood up to look in it. He was shocked to see himself in his "true form," as he called it.

He had long, brown and dirty blond hair, high cheekbones, a very muscular build (which Harry was very happy with), and he was amazed to be a brown beard growing

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He had long, brown and dirty blond hair, high cheekbones, a very muscular build (which Harry was very happy with), and he was amazed to be a brown beard growing. Before, he could barely grow a stuble, now he had a grown ass beard! He exclaimed this much to his parents and godfather, who simply laughed at his amazement with his true self.

He was also pleased to see he still had a bright green eye, 'Wait what?'

Harry did a double take as he noticed ne had hetrochromia eyes. His right eye was still his bright green, even if they were a bit darker then before, while his left eye was now a glowing hazel, almost golden.

"Damn I look badass!" Harry exclaimed, smirking, loving his new hight, strength, and power.

Everyone around him laughed, and he turned around, waiting for an explanation as to why he looked so different. His parents grew uncomfortable under his gaze, and he simply raised an eyebrow.

"Harry... There's something we have to tell you..." Lily started, unsure on where to go from there. "It's kinda.. confusing and well... we-we don't want you to get angry or-or confused and-... James help." She finally looked to her husband, who was still uncomfortably shifting and Harry looked to him.

James took a deep breath, and just said it how it was. "Harry, we are not you real parents."

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