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<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
《Dragon Tounge》
'Normal thoughts'
"Normal Speech"

   Dumbledore made sure the money was in the envelope, and secured it to the boy's blanket. He smirked down at the one-year-old that was still sleeping soundly, and walked away.

Again, not even realizing when the boy's eyes blinked wide open, glaring at him as he left him on the doorstep.

Not even caring to put a warming charm on him, and definitely not caring enough to notice the boy vanish into the shadows.

Hadrian watched the idiotic Headmaster walk away, not looking back. He scoffed in his head. 'Idiot. Too confident in his own plan to double check it went smoothly. Hmm, I could just shadow walk away. I would rather not relive the Dursley's abuse. But where would I go? I could call Lucifer, but I don't know if he has ever seen yet alone took care of a one-year-old! I could just go to an Orphanage.' Hadrian smirked, and it was quite creepy, seeing as he was a toddler. 'And I know just the orphanage to go to!'

Hadrian shadow walked to Wool's Orphanage, and used his magic to ring the door bell. He quickly vanished the letter Dumbledore had left with him, and left his own. However his letter was only a small piece of parchment, and had only three words, hand written in a elegant font.

Hadrian Drakon LeFay

Hadrian then lowered the glamours that were placed on him when he was born. His hair was no longer black, but a beautiful silky brown. His right eye became a darker, but still glowing Avada Kadavra green, and his left eye glowed a bright Amber and Gold in his power.

Since he was still a toddler, no other changes were made, as he had yet to grow out of the small amount of baby fat he had.

Hadrian willed himself to go into a dreamless sleep as he waited for someone to find him on their doorstep. Unlike Albus, Hadrian actually put a warming charm on his blankets so he wouldn't freeze to death.

Right before slipping into the black abyss that was sleep, he saw the door swing open and many of the caretakers gasp down at him.

-------------Time Skip-----5 years later-----------

Hadrian was enjoying his time at the orphanage. He found that he was in the same room as Tom Riddle, and was feared by the other Orphans and the Caretakers more then Tom ever was when he lived here.

When Hadrian turned 3, he spoke to his familiars through the bond. He found Kilgharrah to be very secretive, and slightly agitating -just like Merlin said he would be. The dragon was however, very kind and wise.

Noctis was like a giant puppy almost. It was like the Wolf forgot she was a demon sometimes. But of course, like all of his familiars, she was very scary and serious when Hadrian was provoked or such.

Fenrir was another giant puppy. Except not as hyper. He reminded Hadrian of Salazar in a way; anger issues, funny, enjoyed insulting others when ticked off, probably too smart for their own good, and obviously very regal looking. Fenrir was very playful when he wanted to be, which was only when there were no other humans around.

Umbra was a quite one. And was like the Guardian of all the younger familiars. He normally stood to the shadows, silently watching the others, and made sure they didn't kill eachother. Hadrian enjoyed talking to the Shadow Panther, as he didn't do it often, but when he did, it was always a very calming and pleasant conversation. Normally they talked about the other familiars and made plans to keep them out of trouble.

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