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<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
[Demon Speech]
《Dragon Tounge》
*'Lady Hogwarts'*

   "Heads down!" Yelled Hagrid as the first boats reached the cliff; they all bent their heads and the little boats carried them through a curtain of ivy that his a wide opening in the cliff face. Only one seemed to ignore Hagrid's warning, and one still Neon skinned Ronald Weasley flipped out of the boat as the ivy touched his neck.

Hadrian had watched this happen, and as Hagrid was towards the front of the group while Ronald was towards the back, only himself and a few others saw his flailing in the water.

Hadrian quickly reached his right hand into the water and called for the Giant Squid that lived in the Lake, next thing everyone knew, there was a high pitch squeal coming from Ron as the Squid picked him up and sat him back down in the stone path next to everyone else.

Hadrian made sure to take off the spell that he casted on the boy, making it seem as if the inverted colors washed away in the water.

"Oi! Why you screamin' for? It's only the Squid!" called Hagrid.


"Actually, the Squid was trying to help you... Th-Thhat's why she's there.. t-to make sure n-no one drowns if they were to fall off the boat..."

Surprisingly, it was Neville that said this, making both Hadrian and Hagrid smile at the boy. Hadrian because he had forgotten how smart the boy was, and Hagrid because not many people knew about it. Hagrid of course was smiling openly and widely behind his big beard while Hadrian's smile was only a small twitch of his lips, but they both smiled nonetheless.

"Oh shut UP Neville! Everyone knows the Squid was put there because they found it in the wild trying to crawl on land!"

Everyone looked to Granger in disgust, not only because of the way she so rudely talked to one of the Sacred Twenty-Eight Pureblood families, but because everyone there knew she was wrong. No one had even heard of the story she shouted to be true.

Hagrid's smile faltered as the rude girl screamed, before correcting her.

"Actually, Neville 'ere is right! The Squid in the Grea' Lake was put there durin' the Founder's time! An' Neville 'ere even 'new why! Not many people 'now tha' much before goin' ta their firs' class, well done!"

The Half-Giant smiled wide once again at the boy who's face went red at the praise.

Everyone slowly clambered up the passageway, making sure to keep a good distance from the red faced girl that was muttering incoherent things under the breath and the now normal colored boy who kept shouting to anyone who would listen that he had almost died.

Draco scoffed. "It's like they were destined to be together. You've got the Mudblood who believes she's never wrong, and blood traitor who blocks out anything that isn't what he was told is truth."

Everyone laughed at that, but they had no idea just how much truth was in his statement.

They walked up a flight of stone steps and crowded around the huge, oak front door.

"Everyone here? You there, still got yer rat?"

Hagrid raised a gigantic fussy and knocked three times on the castle door.

The door swung open at once. A tall, black-haired witch in Emerald-green robes stood there. She had a very stem face, and everyone automatically knew that this was not someone you wanted to cross.

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