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A/N When Hadrian is "talking" to other creatures or using beast speech, it will look like this:
<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
《Dragon Tounge》
And vice-versa:
<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
《Dragon Tounge》
'Normal thoughts'
"Normal Speech"

   With a bright flash of White, and one last smile to everyone, they left the Inbetween.

The deal was done.


   When Hadrian opened his eyes again, he was looking up at a Mobile. It was bright Gryffindor Red, enchanted to make the lions dance around in circles.

'Welp. What the hell do I do now?'

Just then, screaming was heard downstairs. He heard James yell at Lily to "protect Harry and run!" Hadrian attempted to stand up in his crib, struggling with his baby body. 'Stupid legs. Work with me here! HA! I did it.'

Finally standing up, holding on to the bars to keep balance, he saw Lily run in crying. He faintly heard James yelling at someone, most likely Tom, then a loud scream of the killing curse, and an even louder "THUMP" as James' dead body hit the ground.

'Wait that... that wasn't right... why did Tom sound... different?' Confused, Hadrian narrowed his baby eyes in the dark room.

Lily cried some more for her dead husband, and screamed when the door smashed in with a shout of "Confringo!"

Hadrian squinted his eyes even more to try and figure out who blew the door to pieces, eyes going wide when he figured out who it was.

"Please! Don't take him, take me instead! Kill me instead of Harry! Please just spare my son!" Lily pleaded and begged with the man. Only for him to wave her pleading off with a "Avada Kadavra."

Lily sank to the floor, lifeless. Tear streaks still visible with her green eyes still wide open. The man simply stepping over her as he made his way towards Hadrian.

There was another man running in, eyes full of worry and anger as he looking at what the first man had done.

"What in Merlin's name do you think you are doing, Albus?!"

Albus only sighed. "I'm doing what needs to be done! This damned child is going to bring my downfall! I need him dead. I've worked hard my entire life to get here, and I will not let some Half-Blood come in and ruin it!"

Albus was raging. How dare he come in here asking questions! He was the hero! The savior! The strongest and most powerful Wizard! He knew what was best! Not some stupid Seer!

"He is only a child, Albus! A magical child!" The man screamed.

Albus was silent for a few tense moments. The man thought he finally got through to his old professor. Oh how wrong he was...

"You're right, Tom." Albus had an evil glint in his eyes. "Young Potter is just an infant, if I kill him, it could ruin my image as the Leader of the Light!" Albus smirked at Tom.

"But if you kill him... well... that would just prove you're the monster that I created." Tom looked terrified. He took a step back, wanting to run away from the crazed Headmaster.


He was too late. Before Tom could run or even reach for his wand, Dumbledore casted his curse with the Elder Wand.

Hadrian was simply watching it all happen. He was both confused, and not really surprised. Dumbledore always was putting him in tests that could have gotten him killed, he was only confused about Tom.

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