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<Beast Speech>
[Demon Speech]
{Goblin Language}
《Dragon Tounge》

   All of these rooms were located on the western side of the castle. The eastern side, Hadrian had yet to explore.

In on either side of him, were 2 hallways that led out of the castle. He assumed that's how he got into the towers.

Standing in front of the stairs he just walked up, the guest rooms where to his right, and there were 4 doors to his left. Directly in front of him, was a sitting area.
The entire floor was a beautiful marble, and the hallways leading to the towers where barely lit with the sunlight from outside.

Hadrian knew the first door to his left to be the second floor of the library. So, he skipped ahead to the second door.

This, was a spirit room. The floor was a dark brown wood, and the roof was covered in see-through sheets, starting in the center of the room and spreading everywhere, the extra hangings hung in the corners. The lights were glowing gems and stones, hanging by threads randomly through the room.

It reminded Hadrian of the Divination classroom.

The walls, were a giant portrait. The painting was actually painted on the walls, and it held the Lord's family.

They all smiled at Hadrian, and he couldn't help but smile back. Looking around the rest of the potrait, he saw the Founders, Morgana, Merlin, Arthur, Lily, James, and Newt. They were all moving around, talking happily when they noticed their heir.

Hadrian knew that these versions of his family wouldn't remember their time in the inbetween together, but he was happy to see them nonetheless.

"Harry, I'm sure you have many questions for us." James was cut off by Hadrian shaking his head in amusement.

'"I do not, actually. I know of my real mother, if that is what you mean. If I didn't know of who I was, then I wouldn't have been here."' Hadrian smiled as they all looked at him in shock.

'"Emrys, I'm sure you know of Death?"'

"I know of him, yes. Met him briefly when this Clotpole decided to die on me." Merlin gestured to Arthur when he said that, earning him a slap on the back of his head from the blonde King.

Hadrian chuckled at the two. '"Yes. Well then I'm sure you've heard the tale of his Deathly Hallows?"' He raised an elegant eyebrow at the Warlock.

"I-... you-... you're the Master of Death?!"

They looked at the 6 year old in shock once again.

'"*chuckling* Yes. We have all met before, you see. After my last life, Death gave me a deal. A retry at life, and a chance to make things right. In exchange, I gave up my voice. Of course, you all tought me how to project my "mental voice," as you liked to call it."' 

Hadrian fondly remembered the memory of Merlin trying to name the ability he was teaching his heir, until Arthur simply said, "Merlin, stop teaching him how to speak with his mental voice and let me teach him how to wield a sword!" Merlin kept the name his husband gave the ability and let the "Royal Prat" teach him how to fight.

Hadrian told his family his life's story. Well, a shortened version. He still had a castle to explore, after all.

"Oh! Hadrian, before I forget. You can use your rings to summon your crowns, you are a king after all. And every King needs a crown."

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