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<Beast Speech>
{Goblin Language}
[Demon Speech]
《Dragon Tounge》

Taking a silent deep breath Hadrian sat down on the windowsill and waited for Severus Snape to knock on his door.

Meanwhile, Snape was standing outside, questioning his life choices. Dumbledore had called everyone to a staff meeting, asking them if they knew what happened to the famous Harry Potter. Apparently, the Dursley's home caught fire a few years back and the Headmaster knew nothing about it. This revelation made McGonagoll furious, as Albus had 'promised' to make sure he was safe, and then suddenly he looses track of his weapon, 7 years too late.

That is where Severus came in. He had done some digging into the muggle world, and found a small trace of the boy and followed it to an Orphanage.

Dumbledore went pale when he learned the name of the orphanage, and Snape didn't blame him, as it was the same place he found Tom.

Dumbledore may believe what he wants, but Severus Snape's loyalty was to Riddle and no one else. Tom had been nothing but truthful about his plans, and Snape agreed with the man's beliefs. Albus on the other hand... that man is slowly loosing his mind.

But of course, Dumbles didn't know of his true allegiance.

Which is why he found himself explaining to the owner of the orphanage that a boy named Harry Potter has been accepted to an Exchange School.

"Harry Potter? You mean Hadrian?"

Severus was surprised at the name change. "Is that what he goes by now?"

"I suppose so, he showed up one day, introducing himself as Hadrian Potter. Now, this Exchange School... I don't know if you've noticed, but we don't exactly have the money to send him anywhere..."

The woman rubbed her neck sheepishly, ashamed at not having the money needed to send a child to school.

"Money is not a problem. His parents were very wealthy before they died, and they had paid for and applied Har-Hadrian to the school."

The woman blinked at him stupidly.


He nodded.

"Well then, um, if you don't mind me asking, where and what kind of school is it?"

"A school called Hogwarts is where he will be going, it is here in the UK, and it teaches boy's and girl's from ages 11 to 17 the everyday subjects. The students may visit their home on holidays and summer time, but other then that they stay on school grounds for the entire school year."

"I see... Hadrian is such a sweet boy, I do hope he finally finds some friends while at the school. He had been bullied and abused because of his lack of speech, but he never seemed to let the other boys bother him. He taught himself sign language and how to paint and fight, he truly is a magnificent child."

"Did you say he was a mute?!"

"Yes. Is that a problem?"

"N-no, just surprising is all. Do you know what happened?"

The woman looked down sadly, and nodded.

"Yes. Unfortunately, his relatives that he was placed with weren't very kind towards him... Hadrian wouldn't tell us everything they did to him, as it was such a sore subject, but that night that he showed up, there was a ring of bruises and burns around his neck, and multiple scars all over his body. The poor boy was abused and malnourished... but he still kept his chin high and never backed down from bullies. He helped out the younger kids, he played the violin to help everyone sleep during storms... Hadrian truly is a good kid with a terrible upbringing."

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