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"Normal Speech"

   James took a deep breath, and just said it how it was. "Harry, we are not you real parents." He waited for him to take that in before continuing.

"You see, after we got married, we found out we could not have child. We were... devestated." Lily grabbed James' hand and gave it a comforting squeeze before he continued. "We prayed to Lady Magik that she would gift us with one. We prayed and prayed every day and every night, until one night, Lily had a strange dream..." Lily took over from there.

"It was strange, at first, I was in a open field, alone, when what looked to be a star fell from the heavens and spoke to me... Now obviously I was startled and confused, until it said that she would grant our prayers. Magik would give us a child, but warned us, as well." Lily took a deep breath. "She would give us, not just any child, but her own."

Harry needed to sit down.

First he finds out that everyone he knew and loved was betraying him, then he finds out he is the Master of Death, then he finds out his parents aren't his actual parents, and now he finds out he's actually the son of Magik herself?!

He needed to take a breather after he realized he was saying all of this outloud. "Just another day in the after life of 'Harry freaking Potter.'" He muttered under his breath. Some people nearby him chuckled at his comment.

Now remembering something Death said before passing out, he looked for a dark cloak among the people around him, still unsure as to who most these people where.

"They are your ancestors. They are here to train you or give you gifts, that is, if you agree to my deal." Death said from behind him, making Harry jump and whirl around to glare at the smirking figure.

Raising and eyebrow, and motioning for Death to continue, he sat down on the edge of the bed to listen.

"I must warn you, this deal will come at a cost, as almost all magic does." When Harry simply nodded, Death sighed and continued, "The deal is, that you can go back, go back to the night you became the Master of Death, back to the night when Lily and James were murdered. You can stay in the inbetween for however long you need to, to train your magic and whatever abilities you learn or are gifted with before going back, you can get to know your ancestors, as most of them are very well known and very powerful." Harry heard some voices in the back of the crowd chuckle but he ignored that for know. "Again, as I said before, Magic like this would come at a price. A very big price. If you agree to do this, then at the end of your stay here, you will have to pay that price. Don't worry, it's not your memories or anything like that, but if you are sure you want to do this..."

Harry looked around, he could feel the power and knowledge rolling off these people, and he so desperately wanted revenge, wanted a second chance, he wanted to learn to do more then anyone ever thought possible. Making up his mind, he looked up to Death, and gave a confident and steady nod.

Death gave a fond smile, and told him what the price was.

"The price, is your voice."

Death's Deal  ||  DISCONTINUED Where stories live. Discover now